I just watched dragon ball again. They have houses that fit into a capsule, but still call each other on a land line 💀
I always imagine that there’s a LOT of electronic warfare going on invisibly. There’s so much signal jamming that real Integrated Air Defense just can’t work. Dumb, poorly targeted flak is the best they can do.
This is based on nothing. It’s just part of my suspension of disbelief.
Star Wars has been some kind of retro futuristic aesthetic ever since the first movie cemented the look and feel. They go thousands of years without any meaningful technological progress.
One of the things i like about Star wars tech is its all like a million years old. They’ve had light speed travel and their galaxy fully charted and explored for many lifetimes
It’s like what happens if technology peaked. Coruscant has been a city sprawling a planet for literally 100,000 years
Good it’s awesome lol
Things getting blown up below the horizon doesn’t make for good cinematography.
I don’t know, going on the juice to try to out run a nuke with PDCs blazing away is pretty cool.
The Expanse is just so fucking cool !
Russian air defences always miss though (there are at least 3 images of them).
It’s for the same reason a lot of horror movies and tv series take place before the invention of the cellphone.