Asbestos-related diseases are significant in India and have been seen to be on a rise across the world. This study aimed to determine whether the waste slurry from a marble waste slurry dump contains detectable asbestos fibers.
It has been reported in this study that the dust from a marble slurry dumping yard open to the public as a tourist location has been found to contain tremolite asbestos. This plausibly demonstrates that the marble industry poses an occupational and environmental hazard to the workers, local inhabitants around the mine, and the general public at a distance by exposing them to asbestos dust.
It is well recognized in the scientific and medical community that such exposure may lead to asbestos-related diseases, which can include lung cancer or mesothelioma of the pleura or the peritoneum.
This informs us that during the extraction process, or during transportation, refining, or any other process in and around these marble mines, the tremolite can be released into the environment, into the breathing zone of not only the workers but the bystanders or even tourists.
This is crucial, as there may not be general awareness about the presence of asbestos contamination in marble widely extracted in Rajasthan, and physicians, workers, or mine owners may never be aware of asbestos exposure from “marble” mines or milling units.