4 panel sloppily drawn comic about a little wizard man who makes one spell and then goes back inside to rest. Panel 1: he is in a flowery field. He says ‘let’s do some magic’ panel 2: he waves his wand around and exclaims’ for I am, a wizard!’ Panel 3: he releases a spell from his wand, we’re not even sure what it does. The little wizard goes ‘pew’. Panel 4: he’s back indoors with a cup of tea and his laptop. Satisfied, he says ‘time to rest’
First level D&D casters be like:
Oopsies! Spells are done! Sleepy time!
You may not like it, but this is what peak work/life balance looks like.
The spell killed all the flowers in the field
All that energy has to come from somewhere. That particular spell just used up all of the energy contained in each flower in a 100m radius. And the spell that gathered that energy merely required all of the energy contained in every worm in a 30m radius. And the spell that gathered that energy required a granola bar.
What’s on the table in the last panel to the right of the cup? A toaster? Baseball cap?
A laptop I guess