• @[email protected]
    2 hours ago

    Kitty is probably the best terminal emulator I’ve ever tried out… It even made me drop Tmux as multiplexer on my stupid Mac !

    I only have basic use case right now, nothing complex but customization seems way above others.

    The full OSC52 integration with micro for copy/past over SSH and taking up the terminal clipboard was also a game changer (nearly dropped micro because of this…)

    I only scratched the surface and have only basic usage and still I can’t believe one single person is behind this project (I think?).

    • juipeltje
      22 hours ago

      I like it mainly because of the image protocol and supporting both x11 and wayland. I still have alacritty installed as well because i like how damn fast it is. If alacritty had proper image support i’d probably only be using alacritty, but they are both great terminal emulators.

      • @[email protected]
        12 hours ago

        Yeah Alacritty was my second pick, but after reading their documentation it seemed more for people accustomed to VI and the like.

        So yeah that’s not something I’m willing to spare some time right now, anyway I’m mostly doing some “sys admin” stuff in my homelab, so simple text editing in a simple terminal is a better fit in my workflow/learning process !

  • @[email protected]
    4 hours ago

    I always wondered if something like this could be possible in the future of terminals. glad to see kitty pushing the envelope! Looking forward to see this used for stuff like markdown rendering. Hoping this gets picked up by other terminals and neovim like the undercurl did.