WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned that troop readiness and retention is at risk as the Army’s chief stepped down Friday, leaving the military’s two ground combat forces without Senate-confirmed leaders for the first time in history.

Speaking during a ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Austin said the Senate’s failure to confirm the services’ new leaders is disruptive to the force and could impact relationships with allies and partners around the globe.

  • SpaceBar
    241 year ago

    Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville is putting the nation at risk because of his views on abortion.

    Typical Republican who cares more about controlling a woman’s body than actual living breathing people. In this case, it’s the entire armed forces he cares less about

  • @virr
    211 year ago

    This has been going on since February because one Senator Tuberville has blocked voting on military promotions in groups. They senate votes on them in groups because voting on each on individually would take far too long, around 2-3 days per nomination. So with 270+ that would likely take all the the senate’s time well into next year. His answer has been that he isn’t blocking anything, and that Democrats can bring the individual nominations up for a vote but they don’t want to. Which at best is disingenuous, if not out right lying.

    He’s blocking this all because of abortion. The military has said it will allow and support personal (or family) to travel to another state to get an abortion if they are stationed in one that does not allow it.

    • Sterile_Technique
      11 year ago

      I wonder why they don’t just offer abortions on base; or in the case of bases that lack a hospital, refer troops to the VA for it. State legislation can suck a fat one on federal facilities.

      Two reasons I say this:

      1. I know the VA has the authority to selectively provide healthcare to groups outside of it’s normal mission (veterans) - here in Oklahoma the VA extended (still extends?) services to Native American tribes due to some kind of extenuating circumstances… was a while ago, so I don’t remember the details of the announcement, but they for sure can serve non-vets of they decide to.

      2. As far as nursing goes, you DO NOT need specific state licensing to practice in a VA facility in that state. If you’re licensed (from anywhere in the US) and hired by the VA, you can transfer to any VA facility, anywhere, and work as a nurse. So, state law don’t mean jack in a federal building.

      Pour those both into the same cup, and suddenly we have a pathway for troops - or anyone, really - to get an abortion if they need one, even they live in Y’all Qaeda territory.

  • Admiral Patrick
    161 year ago

    In a recent comment, Tuberville said it is up to the Democrats to schedule votes on the nominations. “I am not stopping anyone from getting confirmed, and I am not stopping anyone from voting. Democrats could simply put these nominations up for a vote, but they clearly don’t want to,” he said.

    Mere paragraphs later…

    Tuberville has blocked efforts to have Senate votes on all nominations for senior military jobs because he disagrees with the travel pay policy. And congress is now out on summer vacation, which means there will be no action on the jobs for weeks.

    I’m so sick of R’s obstructing, lying, and then blaming the other side for everything. It’s beyond old at this point, everyone sees through it, and yet…here we still are.

  • originalucifer
    -11 year ago

    oh nooooo now one of the other super-redundant humans in our bloated military-for-hire scheme will have to ‘lead’