I have tried winding the gears back to starting position but now whenever I try to predict the solstice it is incorrect, causing great embarrassment at the local sect. I bought this because those young men in white robes drawing mystic figures in the sand convinced me it would help me with my predictions, and that it was a lot easier than traditional augury or lining up rocks like the celts do. I call bullshit, what the hell is the problem with traditional birds entrails telling you these things? I spent a goat on this and it isn’t working, and I released all the birds because I thought I wouldn’t need them anymore and now I am freaking out, if I don’t get this right Zeus know what the initiae will do to me.

Anyways, any of you have experience with this issue?

  • @Treczoks
    12 hours ago

    Have you tried removing the crank and putting it back in again?

  • @grue
    13 hours ago

    Sorry, you voided your warranty by dunking it in water.

    • @jamie_oliverOP
      14 hours ago

      That’s a brilliant idea. I think even better I leave it in a spot I will remember, like a shipwreck.

      !remindme 2000 years

  • freamon
    118 hours ago

    I don’t, no, sorry.

    Maybe try asking in [email protected] ? The people there are not like us, but they are (probably) not to be feared.

    • @jamie_oliverOP
      37 hours ago

      Thank you kindly I will offer a morsel at the altar of Persephone to wish you a good harvest.

  • @RegularJoe
    68 hours ago

    Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

  • @kat_angstrom
    88 hours ago

    My neighbor has one that I covet, but getting one for myself is out of my price range as long as the blight continues to take one-fifth of my crops, and the priests another one-fifth as payment for their anti-blight sacrifices (which so far have yielded no result).

    • @jamie_oliverOP
      7 hours ago

      See this is the problem. All of this machinery is supposed to make us freer, with more time to tend to our crops. But then you end up in places like this trying to figure out if what you are reading is the lunar calendar or the solar one, and if it is gregorian or babylonian and what not. I don’t feel much freer than when I hunted birds and gutted them for answers. Now I am stuck in my living quarters rewinding the gears over and over with madmen online telling me All Hoplites Are Bastards (they are not, in fact I know no hoplite born out of wedlock). Maybe you should join another cult to deal with the priests from the first one? I hear Dionysian Mysteries are all the rage these days.

    • @jamie_oliverOP
      37 hours ago

      What the fuck is a Linux? Is it one of those Non-Dogmatic Open Schematic Hardware cause I am a firm beleiver in the rule of law and won’t abide by that classless nonsense. Soon you will tell me my slaves can build their own, and then they end up learning and see how well that went with Spartacus for the Romans.

    • @jamie_oliverOP
      7 hours ago

      How can an apple tell me when the next solstice is? Do I take the pips out and do something with them or do apples have some previously unknown psycotropic effects maybe? Tell that Stephanous that he should stop inhaling the volcanic vapors of Delphi because it sounds like his wheel has got a pin loose.

  • verity_kindle
    17 hours ago

    Nanni sells bad copper, never pay him in advance! The auguries didn’t help me avoid this man.