As most of you already know, Sunday is community day. It’s my first time and i wanted to know what’s better to get more wild pokemon to spawn.

Is it better to sit around in a park and use a Lure or is it better to get a walk in the city with an incense?

Just want to prepare myself for the event. :3 Any more tips for the community day?

  • gina
    42 years ago

    I have been to a couple community days in the park and both times someone had already added lures to many of the pokestops - probably because there is medal for players catching pokemon from your lure.

    I would just go somewhere that has a lot of gyms/stops clustered closely together if you have something like that. At the park I go to there are spots where you can barely see the ground because there are so many pokemon. Even stops without lures have a lot, so finding pokemon on community day has never been an issue and I can finish the research pretty quickly.

    Tips? Sunscreen and water, even if it’s not hot where you are.

  • @handhookcardoor
    32 years ago

    Old incense > Lure > new incense

    Used to be good, now it’s next to useless, even on walks.

  • @BWchief117
    32 years ago

    They are “equivalent”

    Lures spawn something every minute

    Incense spawn something every minute if you are walking, or every 5 if not walking

    …I think

    Best bet for community day is to walk around, incense will add to spawns for you, lured pokestops will add to spawns near them for everyone

  • @rbhfd
    12 years ago

    Walk, with or without an incense, will be better than sitting still with a lure in most places.

  • @focusforte
    12 years ago

    The best bet is to go somewhere where other players are likely to be, places with lots of PokéStops, take advantage of all the lures that everyone places to share.

    If you’re not sure where to go, you should check out community day map Niantic publishes