“Obviously, you know, when you have a serious criminal conduct that’s been alleged against the police, you have to take that very seriously because they have arrest authority, they have, hopefully, the respect of this community, and to whom much is given, much is expected,” said District Attorney Ben David.

  • @Cybermass
    32 years ago

    Aha so cops do face repercussions when they are black cops, seems legit USA

    • Doug HollandOP
      32 years ago

      That’s something I’ve noticed a lot over many years of following bad cop reports.

      Black bad cops are often fired and prosecuted quickly, while white bad cops tend to get a year and a half of paid leave during a quiet investigation, and then resign to take a job with the sheriff’s department in a nearby county.

      • @Cybermass
        32 years ago

        Yup, but don’t worry guys, corruption isn’t something you need to worry about, the police are on the case!