With Monster Hunter Rise’s updates coming to an end, Capcom’s beast-slaying franchise now finds itself at an important crossroads.

  • @Annoyed_Crabby
    41 year ago

    The most obvious direction for Monster Hunter is Monster Hunter World 2. As the original World has become synonymous with the franchise, it would be best to carry on its name, or at least its spirit, in the next title.

    ??? Why not just monhunt6?

    • CH3DD4R_G0B-L1NOPM
      21 year ago

      Don’t worry, that’s what it’s going to be. Game journalists gonna game journalist. They probably see all the general audiences asking for “World 2” and run with it.

  • @Mansa_Idris
    31 year ago

    I mainly hope they slow down the combat a bit. Make positioning a more important factor than access to wire bugs or whatever gimmick might be introduced.

    • CH3DD4R_G0B-L1NOPM
      1 year ago

      As fun as RiseBreak was, I’m pretty sure it will remain a portable team “bold experiment” regarding the heavy counter-based gameplay. Some weapons, like lance, should keep a counter like insta-block moving forward, imo. But I doubt we’ll see everything have one in its arsenal. The main team seems to like weapon identity a bit more.
      But I don’t think we ever get slower than World again.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Personally I feel like while World and Rise have been a nice distraction, it’s time for MonHun to return to more of its roots. Before World, inventory management and quest management was a relevant aspect of the game.

    On a more meta sense, I feel the franchise is starting to get kinda… brand-isolationist? Or too maker-branded. Like, back in XX/GU we used to have lots of crossover stuff with pretty muh any franchise in the form of not just cosmetics but also weapons. Ace Attorney. Animal Crossing. Some random JPN-exclusive boxing franchise. Dunno, maybe a Japanese car maker. World at least gave us the Witcher and XIV crossovers (BIRD UP!*). With actual plotlines, even! But Rise? We’re lucky to get cosmetics. And then there’s the lack of cross-save, let alone cross-play…

    • CH3DD4R_G0B-L1NOPM
      11 year ago

      I believe you can take Risebreak as a collab outlier. Rise was very affected by pandemic happenings and there probably was just no way or reason to pick up the slack in Sunbreak.
      I think, especially with the appearance of CapcomID, cross play/save are a near guarantee for the next title. They know full well everyone wants it.

  • @Tsunami45chan
    1 year ago

    Is it not that was the last rise sunbreak updates?

    In my honest opinion I think they need to take some time to polish the next game. On the other hand Dragons Dogma need a good spotlight.

    • CH3DD4R_G0B-L1NOPM
      1 year ago

      There are 2 development teams for Monster Hunter (maybe even more at this point with Stories, et. al.). So the team that just finished RiseBreak is not wholly responsible for MH6. It won’t be a quick turnaround as it should have already been in development since the close of WorldBorne.
      We expect to hear something at TGS based on a comment Tsujimoto has made. Then it would likely release by Q2 2024 based on previous release patterns and the MH anniversary being next year.
      All speculation, but pretty solid as far as speculation goes.

  • @sayajay
    21 year ago

    Grammeowster definitely needs to make a comeback! :D

    • CH3DD4R_G0B-L1NOPM
      11 year ago

      I’d love the old food to come back. Dango/mochi is pretty good IRL, but nothing beats seeing your hunter house half an adult popo and still be hungry.

  • ATPA9
    11 year ago

    I just hope that the maps for the next game will look more like the ones from world than than the ones from rise

    • CH3DD4R_G0B-L1NOPM
      11 year ago

      In what way? Because it is assuredly going to look better graphically. So what other map features are you hoping to see?

      • Maple
        11 year ago

        They probably mean that because Rise was built to be a switch game they had to sacrifice a lot visually to make it run well.

        I for one would be happy to see a return to MHW’s artstyle as well. MH in Japan was fun, but I want to see more of what the new world has to offer :)