I fact checked this. This is only true if you recognize the proposed subclade of Eufalconimorphae. If we operate under the accepted understanding that parrots and falcons are linked by being in the higher clade of Australaves it would be inappropriate to call falcons closer related to parrots than other birds of prey because the Austravalaves definition includes Cariamiformes (like the terror bird) which are also birds of prey.
You sound like one of those antieufalconimorphaeists.
I’m just a cariamiformes truther. #allbirdsofprey
I’ll need to see your long-form hatch certificate to know whether you’re an African or European swallow. Do you even migrate, bro?
I think I finally understand that glazed look people get in their eyes when I nerd out about computers.
Tldr: Tumblr OP forgot that falcons are closely related to these mfers
If someone of the zoo regularly listens to such wrong “facts”, why don’t they put of “Did You Know?” signs with actual facts at the enclosures? TIL that falcons are Assault Parrots.
They do put those signs at enclosures. In every zoo I’ve ever been to.
I ain’t seen no assault parrots. I HAVE seen your steppe-Eagle and she fine as hell tho…
Maltese Parrot.
Millenium Parrot.
The second half of this sounds like it came straight from TierZoo
I totally thought those “facts” were going to be the made up crap that dads come up with to mess with their kids.
I.E. My dad once told me that the reason we sweat was because if we didn’t we’d burst into flames when we get hot.
Way more entertaining than legitimate misinformation and misunderstandings.
In case anyone isn’t aware of the actual reason we die when we get overheated enough:
At the point where that happens, some of our bodily enzymes would stop working, meaning some of the tiny processes that keep us alive would no longer be possible.
Stay hydrated, friendos
Please don’t assault parrots
In other words, falcons are the ranked sweatlords of birds
“I can fly 300 kilometers per an hour and decapitate a duck. I might break my neck doing it.”
I had to stay quiet as a random 6-ish yo child confidentially asserted to her parents that the elephant with an enormous erection was a girl.