
Anyone looking forward to this? I’m liking the retro-futurism aesthetic. I’ve had mixed impressions of pass Wes Anderson movies, but its possible I just don’t “get it”. Maybe the aesthetic is the point.

  • @Golfindriel
    71 year ago

    Personally I’m a huge fan of his work, but I understand that’s not for everyone. I’ll be watching it tonight!

  • @boo
    61 year ago

    I’m seeing it tonight and looking forward to it. I usually enjoy Wes Anderson, but I realize that it isn’t for everyone. Personally, I really enjoy the careful framing of all the shots, the colorful scenes, quirky tone and dry humor.

  • @CountZero
    61 year ago

    I really hope I’m wrong, but it seems like Anderson is getting close to self-parody with this one. I know the dude has a specific style, but it’s getting so over the top that I think it disracts from the story instead of adding to it.

    The Darjeeling Limited is one of my favorite films of all time. It changed the way I think about movies. I liked the Grand Budapest Hotel, but I thought it leaned too hard into silliness.

    That being said, Anderson is talented and successful enough that he can do whatever the fuck he wants. If he’s having fun being self-indulgent and making what he wants, I’m happy for him. I hope he’s not getting more pretentious as his movies get more and more weird.

    • @MercuryUprising
      51 year ago

      It’s just his style. Plus this one seems to really lend itself to silliness based on its setting. I want to watch it more for the cinematography than anything; the camera work, color palette, choices for lighting and set design are my favorite parts of his films.

  • BrerChicken
    41 year ago

    I’m definitely looking forward to this, but not because of the science fiction!

  • @MightyMjolnir
    41 year ago

    That style is just perfect. Absolutely interested in checking this out. The only thing I’ve even watched by the guy is Fantastic Mr Fox, and they all seem great but this one has caught my eye more than anything since.

  • @boo
    31 year ago

    I loved it!

    Spoilers Ahead:


    The fact that the sets were supposed to be fictitious/play-sets gave him an excuse to push his style into an almost cartoonish extreme. I enjoyed the nested levels of storytelling. There was a lot of humor, some of which was more outright than in his previous films. There was still plenty of more subtle and dry humor too. The eye candy was taken to new extremes with hyper-saturated colors. The framing/compositions, transitions, etc were delightful as always. I think the story was quite strong with a good and clever ending.

    Some fun things I noticed: When the cowboy dude walks there are spur noises, even though he had no spurs. In many of the black and white shots, the characters eyes have a subtle red tint, I suppose to draw your eyes into their faces.

    Did anyone else think the space alien looked like Salad Fingers (a reference for the OG Newgrounds crowd).

  • @Thadrax
    31 year ago

    Totally off topic, but from the thumbnail I thought this was a post about some new Factorio mod or maybe space exploration base.

    As far as I’m aware I haven’t seen even a single Wes Anderson movie, but I have a few on my watch list. Looking forward to see what his “style” is all about.

  • @CMGX78
    31 year ago

    I’ll watch anything made by Wes Anderson. Definitely going to see this.

  • Robogeek
    21 year ago

    Finally got to the pictures last night to see this. Very weird and almost a comical take-off of what a Wes Anderson movie is. But, I enjoyed it. Especially the humour. The cast of characters is stellar as ever and I personally love that, although Bill Murray is sorely missed. Id say if you are a WA fan, then go watch it. In the cinema preferably (bit late on that advice - sorry). If not, don’t bother!

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    I am! For me, the aesthetic is 95% the point of Anderson’s movies. I find that he’s at his best when he pairs his visuals with a fun adventure, like in The Grand Budapest Hotel and The Isle of Dogs. So I hope he goes back to that with Asteroid City, because I didn’t find last year’s release that enjoyable.

  • @morain
    21 year ago

    I am, but I also want to find out if the three black-and-white people in the group shot of the movie poster is significant, like an Easter egg, callback or reference forward, or just a production error. Or did they run out of modern actors and had to dip back into the '50s to hire some monotone help.

    • @dditty
      1 year ago

      Since it’s a Wes Anderson movie we can assume it’s intentional. Saw what you will about his style, but Wes Anderson movies are always visually-rich and his attention to detail is nigh unmatched by other contemporary filmmakers

    • @boo
      31 year ago

      It is significant and you will understand when you see the movie.

  • @Reygle
    11 year ago

    I saw the trailer and thought it looked hideously nonsensical, but then that’s how I think modern day USA is, sooooooo

  • @seacocker
    11 year ago

    fell flat for me. I actually feel asleep during the screening.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    It has some great reviews, and the trailer looks interesting.

    I haven’t seen it yet though.

    It’s an auteur film so the aesthetic is part of the point. It’s not trying to look hyper realistic.