The audacity to buy food for another living being clutches pearls

  • @atp2112
    51 year ago

    What’s Mizzou’s bowl game ban looking like?

    • g0d0fm15ch13fOP
      51 year ago

      I’m amazed they even let Mizzou recruit at this point

  • @JBar
    51 year ago

    “The Michigan infractions case is related to impermissible on and off-campus recruiting during the COVID-19 dead period and impermissible coaching activities – not a cheeseburger,” Derrick Crawford, NCAA vice president of hearing operations, said in the statement, referring to the simplistic characterization of the violations in some media reports.

    • g0d0fm15ch13fOP
      11 year ago

      And what exactly was the impermissible recruiting Derrick? Was it buying somebody a cheeseburger?

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        The two recruits came up to Ann Arbor on their own dime. Harbaugh heard they were on campus and got in touch with them. This is a violation because it was a “quiet period” where staffs could not contact recruits. This one is in a bit of a grey area because the recruits came of their own volition and made contact. Then Harbaugh took them to the Brown Jug and bought them lunch (cheeseburgers), which is another violation. Then when the NCAA came knocking on Harbaugh’s office to talk about it, he told them to go fuck themselves. This is what this is all about. The infractions may be minor, but telling off the NCAA is unforgivable in the NCAA’s eyes. Doubly so because this isn’t the SEC, where the NCAA bows their way out the door when a coach tells them off. The NCAA is treating this like a Jim Tressel cover up situation.

        I think this may be his last year. He’s clearly fed up with the recruitment process and the NCAA trying to dark cloud him rather than just dole out punishment and move on.