I agree with the general idea or the article that restricting kids’ play is stupid, but the author seems to be a bit of a moron himself:
Want a solution to the rights of children not getting upheld? Give pre-teenage kids the vote. I’d go with 10 years old, others say as young as six.
Not only is this dumb, it completely ignores the idea of parental responsibility - it’s the parents who must look after the interests of their kids.
Such hot takes make the whole article immediately dismissable.
I think that part was written as tongue in cheek, not a serious solution.
That said, I do wonder if something like the UK Youth Parliament could be given a greater voice in policy relating to children. It could help make our nation more child friendly, and encourage greater participation in democracy at a younger age.
I’ve got 4 children. They can barely be in charge of cleaning up after dinner.
So I’m sure they’ll do a better job than our current politicians.
When I was in primary school we would play most of the day in reception and year 1, with the odd sessions to do work.
My son finished year 1 in July and there was zero in class play, all work.