Scholen krijgen nieuwe mogelijkheden om het lerarentekort aan te pakken, er komen premies voor wie een opleiding voor een knelpuntberoep volgt en ook korte celstraffen zullen daadwerkelijk worden uitgevoerd. Een overzicht van wat er allemaal verandert vanaf 1 september.

  • myrmidex
    42 years ago

    Cell sentences of up to three years were rarely if ever effectively carried out for years due to lack of space in prisons. They were replaced by electronic surveillance, and under six months were often not carried out at all. However, this impunity is partly responsible for the high recidivism rate and thus also for overcrowding in prisons, according to Van Quickenborne.

    That’s some backwards reasoning right there. I’ll chalk it up to a pita and beer hangover from his male-only birthday party.

    • @DV8OP
      32 years ago

      Yeah, it’s bar level reasoning. Just like the new decision that if you don’t pass a language test, you don’t qualify for social housing. Because obviously the most vulnerable deserve no help.