Careful with that. “Curiosity killed the cat” you know
The future is getting closer…
apparently futurami was a documentary.
I am still waiting on the Suicide booths.
Isn’t that the perseverance set? The curiosity set from 2014 looks different.
Yeah, you got me lol
I just got that set and was wondering if I missed curiosity.
Look out, it’s armed. I don’t trust the robot, either.
The cat was unaware that curiosity is an IED ready to blow up. There were no survivors.
Removed by mod
Cause Curiosity killed the cat
Why not?
Because the cat can get hurt with the sharp knife positioned like that.
Admiral Stabby!
is that a real knife?
Looks like it. Such an irresponsible owner to put his cat in danger like that. Poor cat’s gonna get shanked by that vengeful robot.