Former president tells Glenn Beck he would have ‘no choice’ but to lock up opponents ‘because they’re doing it to us’

  • CoffeeAddict
    2 years ago

    Pure fascism.

    These people are so far removed from reality I don’t even know where to start. The worst part is Trump’s own supporters will use his trials as the justification for persecuting their political enemies, all the while completely ignoring the part where Trump actually committed crimes.

    Also, fuck Glenn Beck. While the origins of the alt-right in the US are murky and somewhat implacable, he definitely holds some responsibility for making them mainstream. If memory serves, he praised them as an alternative to the republican establishment 10 years ago on his stupid show and gave them legitimacy no sane person would have. He also capitalized on and sowed distrust in US Institutions with wacky conspiracies he drew on his chalkboard. He gave the alt-right a platform and a perfect opportunity to recruit.

    TLDR Fuck Trump and fuck Glenn Beck.

    • @paddirn
      22 years ago

      This is gonna sound elitist, but people that support Trump or seriously support fascist ideas like this, like illegally locking up political opponents, should just be banned from elections or from voting altogether. I don’t know who decides what’s fascist or not and I’m sure even that is ripe for abuse, but I’m so tired of people who don’t even want democracy having any say in democratic elections. If you don’t support democracy, then don’t vote.

  • Hyperreality
    42 years ago

    For those too young to know who Glenn Beck is, he’s a mixture of Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, and a batshit insane TV preacher with a dark secret and a private jet. Not a true believer, from what I can tell, but someone putting on a show. He’s in part responsible for US politics going off the rails. Very popular when he was still on Fox News. He spread theories about Soros, Obama building FEMA deathcamps for conservatives, that kind of thing. IRC he’d regularly fake crying about ‘them’ coming to get ‘us’.

    9/11 really did a number on the US.

    • CoffeeAddict
      2 years ago

      It’s really hard to describe the damage Glenn Beck has done. To my knowledge, he was the first, mainstream talk show host to actually give a platform to the alt-right. Many conspiracy theories he started are still a problem today.

      His show also basically taught people how to justify their own conspiracy theories. He pretty much walked everyone through his “thought process” on every show. He also did it in a way that radicalized people who originally were just disgruntled with, or distrusting of, government.

      I remember one time he even went so far as to have a purported “insider” come on the show as a black silhouette with a fake deep voice to “confirm” everything Beck was saying about Obama and the “Liberal Agenda.” How people fell for that is beyond me, but they did.

      Eventually he got so out of control Fox News fired him. But the damage was done.

      Edit: grammar

  • @nbafantest
    32 years ago

    How is the follow up not “Lock them up for what crimes?”

    What a complete hack.

    Also Trump shtick is getting old. This was his thing in like 2015. The American voters have been very clear they want a functioning government.

    • Hyperreality
      2 years ago

      What a complete hack.

      Glen Beck is worse than a hack. He’s one of the people who mainstreamed all the batshit conspiracists when he was still on fox news. IRC he pretend cried on television, because Obama was building FEMA death camps for his conservative enemies. Seriously, read up on him.

    • CoffeeAddict
      12 years ago

      I certainly hope so because he is exhausting lol

      Hell, just having a normal election cycle would be nice.

      • @nbafantest
        32 years ago

        I do think a lot of Americans forgot just how exhausting and chaotic he was