AARO’s website has finally launched, though it appears that some pages may be missing or links broken. Hopefully this evolves into a useful resource for the community.

  • HM05OPM
    21 year ago

    Not a great sign when their search doesn’t yield any results for either UAP or UFO. The word “the” only yields one search result. It looks like there may only be one document/page indexed in their search so far.

  • paraphrand
    1 year ago

    I know this is normal for government websites. But damn this is bare bones and rough.

    Those links to a blurry pie chart and the needlessly 3D hotspots map are highlights of the campy terrible nature of it.

    They have links/embeds of what appear to be the original source video files linked though. I respect how those are no nonsense “here’s the raw video.” A “better designed” website would host and process and ultimately end up recompressing them.

    • HM05OPM
      21 year ago

      I’m hoping they at least get their reporting tool functional soon and maintain some public documentation into their progress in reviewing reports. But, yeah, the site feels very amateur and I wouldn’t expect too many style or design changes any time soon.