“We don’t have any way of taking care of a dog,“ an officer told the dog’s owner, Bryan Pennington.
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Next best thing to killing people, and lots less paperwork.
Cops love killing.
It’s almost like there’s significant overlap between people who become cops and the psych profile of a serial killer.
I believe the top three jobs for psychopaths are surgeons, lawyers, and cops. Don’t remember the order but there have been a few lists made.
You know, until i read that I would’ve guessed C suite personnel. Brb looking something up.
Yeah I thought politician was up there too, but I guess most politicians are lawyers first.
Or at least went to law school. Which is sad. I always wanted to go for a jd to actually defend innocent accused.
The first two are for psychopaths who are intelligent enough to realise that going along with society will result in the best outcome, enlightened self interest. The ones who become cops and/or murderers are the failures.
Just the ones who become bad cops.
Sort of makes you think that all cops might be bastards, doesn’t it?
Cops love killing.
There’s an extra word on the end of that sentence.
If the only tool you know is a gun, every problem looks like a target.
Dogs, suspected shoplifters, black people in a white neighborhood…
Have these people not heard of animal shelters, or are they too lazy to take the dog to one?
It would literally be easier to just tell the person to look for a shelter. They’re going out of their way to be heartless monsters.
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They should have to carry malpractice insurance
The behemoth that is their “Union” would never allow it. And they’ve got a fuckin’ cop-like stranglehold on things.
It has probably been a few hours since they last shot something and they were getting withdrawals.
I’m sure the dog was resisting.
Dog was black unfortunately. It was bound to happen.
There was probably no donut shop on the way
It’s generally frowned upon to kill it at a shelter. Better to just murder it, leave it in a field somewhere and get back to drinking on the clock
“We don’t have any way of taking care of a dog,“ an officer told the dog’s owner, Bryan Pennington.
You couldn’t just take it to a local dog pound? And isn’t there such a thing as microchipping, which allows a dog to be scanned and their owners identified?
He didn’t think of this excuse until afterward when he was called into question. When asked to pick up the dog his only thought was “Great! Something I can get away with killing!”
That is such a bullshit statement. My sister’s dog ran off at state park. We searched for hours and asked around before finally heading to the rangers station to see if they had heard anything. Turns out, the rangers had found her and they and the maintenence guys spent all day hanging out with her and driving her around in the various vehicles. The ranger we spoke to said they were going to take her to the shelter if we hadn’t come before the park shit down. They had “nothing to take care of a dog” but managed to handle it without shooting anything.
That takes more time and effort than a bullet.
I will never call cops for a lost animal. What a shitty outcome.
Never call cops unless you want someone dead, and don’t mind if it’s yourself. And that goes 10x for PoC
The police are far from anyone’s friend.
Cops kill dogs when they enter houses, it’s one of the very first things they do.
Cops just love to kill small harmless animals! Cops just love to kill!
The cops resent it when their job involves anything but murder. Don’t call the cops unless you’re prepared for something or someone to die.
When I first bought my school bus I needed to have a policeman come out and do a VIN verification so I could get it registered, so I called the local (Philadelphia) police department. When I asked for an officer to do this, the dispatcher said “nah”. I said “nah?” and he said “yeah, nah” and hung up on me.
When someone broke the window on my car I needed a police report for the insurance. They wouldn’t cover it otherwise. When the cop showed up he yelled at me for having a broken window and told me he wasn’t gonna do the report unless I gave him permission to search the car for drugs. I gave him permission, but filmed the search. He found nothing and wrote the report.
Did you call the non emergency line?
Well shit, I guess the word dispatch is what made me assume otherwise. Acab, I hope you got it settled homie.
What actually happened was that I first called the non-emergency number and they told me to call 911. I guess it would have been funnier if 911 had then told me to call the non-emergency number instead of just saying “nah”.
Fortunately it turned out I didn’t need the VIN verification after all.
Damn, maybe Nah Guy knew this all along lol
Let me guess it was a black lab?
This joke is so dark that it was shot and left in a ditch.
This kind of humor is like the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - not everyone gets it
Oh man, I’m gonna plagiarize the hell out of that. :)
I already did. The original joke was “Dark humor is like food…”
Then I’ll plagiarize the hell out of whoever you’re plagiarizing. Good stuff.
Years and years of copganda movies have rotten these guys brains.
They probably “trained” with the Killology series by the aptly named shitstain, Dave Grossman.
I’m surprised nobody’s ever filed a wrongful death or class action lawsuit against him specifically.
The dog was no angel! Let’s hear the officer’s side of the story too /s
I heard the dog had drug charges in the past, so it’s okay he died
Was the dog black?
I know you’re joking… but yes. Yes it was.
I’m going to wait to decide whose fault it was until I see the bodycam footage. The dog might have had a gun.
Fido was on angel dust, had the strength of 20 pit bulls!
That’s easily the strength of 200 infants!
He’s coming right at us!
The dog was covered in fentanyl.
the dog had a gram of marijuana back at its dog house
“the dog was reaching for a gun”
Dog was making “furtive movements” like sitting and rolling over.
Note to self: if you find a lost child in Missouri, don’t call the cops
Further: don’t go to Missouri
Source: was born in Missouri
That’s the state of Misery for ya…
Well… Depending of how annoying is the kid … Just kidding but…nah…but really if…nah… … . …
I don’t believe in hell. But there are days when I hope with all my being that I’m wrong.
May they reap what they’ve sown theeefold. With harm to none but them personally, so mote it be.
it’s no real comfort but sometimes it helps me to understand that the internal life of someone who would kill a dog for convenience is almost certainly already a hell.
It does kind of help. Karma is a bitch, and the universe has a wicked sense of humor.
Maybe they should have said that before taking the dog to murder it. What a terrible person. I hope he toys.
… Toys? 🤨
Finally, a post about police violence that has no bootlickers in the comments. I guess going out of their way to kill a dog is the one thing so unambiguously shitty that nobody bothers trying to defend the cop
They’re all just itching to kill. Doesn’t matter what it is, kill it.
Again, this is what happens if you don’t give adequate training to police officers nor select on more intelligent individuals for the job. If you hire a bunch of trigger happy gun nuts, this is what you get. Don’t be surprised, this is an obvious outcome.
It’s also relatively easy to solve. Double investments in police. Sell all the crazy military equipment they have and don’t need. Actually, don’t sell it, destroy and recycle it. Use that money to then give they a minimum of 4 years of training before they go out on the streets. Teach them de-escalation techniques. Teach them how to make the world better, to protect and serve
Double investments? Police already siphon up nearly all of many communities resources.
What if I told you we could increase community resources?
Then have someone change those investments. Less money for assault weapons and mraps and tanks, more money for education
Yeah I mean people have tried reforming the cops…
Take all the military equipment that the police have and … give it to Ukraine. Two birds, one stone!
When dogs are better trained and more intelligent than police officers.
Neither investment nor training will change this.
Prison time for cops. Scare them away from doing murders.
Training and pushing cultural changes EILL change this. And yes, officers that break the law should go to jail, and that too with make change. But you can’t expect untrained people to behave correctly and make correct decisions. Of court they won’t because they don’t know how.
Yes but nobody needs training to not murder a dog. Only punishment will work with these kinds of psychopaths. They didn’t kill the dog because they lacked training. They killed the dog because they enjoy murder.
Mmm, assuming that not all police officers are sadistic asshats, I imagine many of them just being scared and only remember being told to shoot first, ask questions later. Training and changing the culture within police organizations will do a lot there. Also punishment
These particular officers are the only ones who would be punished for killing the dog. Also, they weren’t under attack. They just decided they’d rather kill the dog than to not kill the dog.
Mmm, assuming that not all police officers are sadistic asshats
Serious question: Why would you assume that?
For the same reason I assume not all gays are pedophiles. Only really really dumb people think like that. Know better, be better.
Mathematically, all cops are bastards.