US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo warned China in interviews broadcast on Sunday (Sep 3) that the patience of US business was “wearing thin”, saying American companies deserved a “predictable environment and a level playing field”.

The two biggest economies in the world used to be each other’s largest trade partners, but Washington now trades more with neighbouring Canada and Mexico, while Beijing trades more with Southeast Asia.

While in China recently, Raimondo had said there was strong appetite among US businesses to make the relationship work and that, while some actions of the Chinese government were positive, the situation on the ground needed to match the rhetoric.

“China is making it more difficult,” Raimondo told CBS’s Face the Nation. “I was very clear with China that we need to - patience is wearing thin among American business. They need and deserve a predictable environment and a level playing field. And hopefully China will heed that message so we can have a stable growing commercial relationship.”

    221 year ago

    How about we stop having an every growing relationship with tyrants and work with our neighbors and ourselves instead. I only see increased local trade as a plus, money stays closer, less transit of materials causing pollution, Winnie loses a little power, all pros

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      131 year ago

      America sorta um… Fucked up our relationships with South America because of the um… Constant meddling and CIA assassinations.

      So we don’t really have many wealthy neighbors. Unlike China who can definitely get real buddy buddy with everyone around them.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Unlike China who can definitely get real buddy buddy with everyone around them.

        Eh, I don’t know. I think they fucked up lots of relations with their neighbors as well due to the same imperialistic politics. They have shitty relations with Japan, SK, Taiwan, all the nation in the South China Sea, Vietnam and India. Relations with Russia, and USSR before that, have always been a bit tense (Mongolia issue, plus claims over Vladivostok). The rest are minor nations, mostly under the sphere of influence of other empires.

        From what I can see, they are trying to create a sphere of influence of their own in Asia, propping up the new dictatorship in Myanmar, helping the Pakistani and trying to snatch up the central Asian “-stan” nations from Russia’s influence. Success is mixed.

        Anyway, economically speaking these are not real partners like the western block, but more like client states. The real economic partners of China remain the western nations. Without them China’s trade would be non-existent.

      • Deceptichum
        41 year ago

        China has either invaded or tried to fuck over every neighbour of theirs in the last 50 years tho?

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      You are correct, however the purpose of the message is moreso to keep China from undercutting us on their goods and materials exported. Their government tends to help drive down the price of good sold in order to inflict harm on other country’s businesses in the same sector. It is hard to sustain a company if all your customers can get your product for artificially cheaper in China. The best way to address this is to remind China that we are customers of their businesses as well and that they would stand to lose more by not playing fairly. If we just told them to go fuck themselves and set excessive embargo taxes on their imports, which Trump did, it had a negative impact on every industry within each respective supply chain. It takes time to build new resource pipelines. Ideally, we need to have multiple sources.

      • @j4k3
        41 year ago

        The US and west has done the same crap to the rest of the world including China for like, since the beginning. We live the the country of imperial exploitation. Corporate America abandoned working America. Let them burn. The worthless parasitic billionaires must go. They put all our money in China. We are never getting it back. I can’t see one reason why this is a bad thing. Everything we make is proprietary exploitive shit that amounts to theft of ownership through DRM.