A new patch has been distributed to improve gameplay stability and make balance adjustments. Please apply the latest patch before playing the game. Please note that this patch is focused on balance adjustments that will allow players more build diversity in the early and mid-game when assembling their AC, as well as bug fixes. PvP oriented balance adjustments will be released at a future date.
Rather than nerf some overpowered weapons, they seem to have buffed some forgotten-about weapons.
Well the Curtis rifle is hardly forgotten-about, it’s just that high ROF weapons that can charge are super tedious to wield in this dual-wielding meta.
I really hope the nerf to sea spider is significant. I’m stuck on it soo bad that I stopped playing.
The key for me was using the pile bunker. The charge attack chunks the spider. And then I went with reverse joint legs. You want to stay right under it as much as possible in the first phase and those legs help greatly with that. Fit high stagger shoulder weapons and whatever you want for the other arm. Then in the second phase the legs allow you to stay in the air much longer and you want to focus on stying above it. Just keep pounding it with that pile bunker. Took me 2 or 3 tries after I figured out that setup
Pile bunker is genuinely my favorite weapon in the game. That charge shot is a pain to land but there’s nothing better than staggering a chunky enemy and just gut punching them into oblivion.
Have you tried dual Gatling guns? They stagger very reliably and the damage output is nuts