President Joe Biden late Wednesday brushed off the House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry, saying the way he sees it, they launched the investigation against him because they want to shut down the federal government.

Biden, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Virginia, said that instead of being concerned about the probe, “I’m focused on the things the American people want me focused on.”

The president’s remarks were the first since Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced the launch of a Biden impeachment inquiry while the Republican House leader is also struggling to shore up votes to fund the government and prevent a federal shutdown.

  • Ertebolle
    431 year ago

    Yeah, their timing on this is pretty stupid - whatever headlines they’re hoping to generate with this impeachment business are going to be drowned out by the shutdown anyway.

    • @paddirn
      481 year ago

      Trump’s impeachment (which Republicans are obviously trying to mimic to get back at Democrats), stemmed from wrongdoing that everybody was aware of, it was in the news for months. We were well aware of it by the time impeachment happened.

      With this latest Republican effort though, it seems obvious to anyone not drinking the kool-aid, that there’s nothing there. They still seem to be going after something to do with Hunter Biden? Are we still on this legendary laptop or whatever? It’s completely unclear what impeachable offense they’re actually accusing him of.

      This seems to follow in a long line of Republican antics aimed at muddying the waters, the root of which I’m sure probably leads back to Russia. They’re trying to kick the legs out from underneath Ukraine and so are amping up the crazy in hopes of destabilizing the US and/or throwing the election to Trump (who also needs to win to avoid prison).

      • no banana
        91 year ago

        It’s completely unclear what impeachable offense they’re actually accusing him of.

        Something about helping him laptop the drugs? I actually don’t know and I keep up with their shenanigans.

        • @paddirn
          81 year ago

          Yeah, Hunter Biden himself doesn’t seem like a great character, but last I checked he hadn’t been on the ballot and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t been given an official position within the government like “Senior White House Advisor” or “Assistant to the President” (as we saw with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump). If there’s some sort of impropriety going on, then yeah, that’s not right, though not sure that it rises to the level of “High crimes and misdemeanors” (maybe it’s just a “misdemeanor”) IF it was occurring. It wasn’t right when the previous occupant was sitting in the White House when it was out in the open and blatant nepotism, but I haven’t seen any evidence of it occurring in the current administration.

      • @Cryophilia
        61 year ago

        Reverse cargo cult

        “Impeachments are meaningless, everyone does it and they are never substantial”

  • gregorum
    351 year ago

    Echoes of Obama. He’s focused on what matters, and that’s what matters.

    • @catshit_dogfart
      251 year ago

      This is how they all need to be - let the chimpanzees throw their shit all day, ignore them, move forward as if they don’t exist.

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    There’s a strange mentality so many people in the states still have, which is that they *want the US government to barely exist or collapse entirely. *

    It’s fucking insanity to me, because even if you live in the middle of nowhere your quality of life depends on having a functional government. These idiots think they’re “self sufficient” enough to not need one, which I guess just shows how insulated they are more than anything.

    • 👁️👄👁️
      51 year ago

      They don’t actually want this. Ask them, who’s going to ban the trans people if the government is shut down? Suddenly they’ll realize their fascism is far more important, they are the opposite from anti government.

      • @rbhfd
        51 year ago

        Ask them, who’s going to ban the trans people if the government is shut down?

        They are. They want to remove any protections of minority groups. Back to the good ol’ lynching days.

        (I feel dirty just typing that out)

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      51 year ago

      They’re stupid people who were tricked by capitalist propaganda.

      They think they don’t rely on government at all, so government is not needed.

      If you wake up in the morning and your house isn’t burned around you or collapsed on top of you, you have relied on government.

      You getting in your car and driving to work? There’s like 400 pages of regulations on the reflectivity of blinker lights. There’s a small group of people somewhere in the federal government who’s entire job is to make sure your car’s reflectors are reflective enough, and they aren’t bureaucrats. They are scientists.

      I don’t mean to suggest the world would collapse without those people, but that shit starts to add up. Remember during the last government shutdown, they were like hours away from airports closing? And that’s what finally broke the shut down. All those weather systems that control all air traffic, that’s all federal government. The major weather systems at every airport in the country are serviced and maintained by the federal government, and they are non-essential workers.

      Oh you hate big government, really? How do you like going to the gas station and paying for 10 gallons will only getting six? That’s what used to happen before we had agencies of weights and measures auditing gas stations. The lizard brains don’t realize that they are benefiting from that every day.

      Now Republicans are trying to shut down the government again. I wish they would.

      • El Barto
        41 year ago

        capitalist propaganda

        The government supports capitalism. I think a better term would be greed propaganda.

  • 👁️👄👁️
    141 year ago

    Of course the impeachment reason is about Hunter Biden. They really have nothing else to go off of.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      1 year ago

      Don’t get it twisted. They don’t have anything on Hunter either. Republicans hate him because he worked in Ukraine to expand American influence and Ukrainian fossil fuel independence from Russia. Russia had been using its oil flow to Ukraine to control Ukrainian politics.

      The company Hunter worked for starting I believe in 2014, was formed in Ukraine by ukrainians for the sole purpose of breaking its dependence on Russian fuel.

      Sure, he got the job because of his name. That’s not a crime. All the newspapers covered it in 2014 when he got the job, and everything was found to be on the up and up by the federal ethics watchdog, whose name is escaping me right now. He was working to further Western interests and undermine Russia. Dude is a patriot through and through.

      • 👁️👄👁️
        71 year ago

        Well I’m not really in the interest of defending him, in fact the less I know the better lol. I don’t want to drink whatever the hell is in the republican kool-aid. I just know he’s a private citizen so my giving a fuck ends right there.

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          51 year ago

          Totally reasonable. I guess I defended him because of my lizard brain. If they can make up bullshit about him, what could they do to me? So in a way, I’m subconsciously defending myself. I do care about private citizens who execute, or undermine, American foreign policy, though. All evidence point to his work, and that of his company, being extremely successful; just by the fact of how much Russian loyalists in Ukraine and America hate him.

          Shit, he probably did do a little spying.