The article discusses how advancements in artificial intelligence will significantly impact various aspects of modern life, both in the workplace and at home. It suggests that people may form deep, personal relationships with robots in the near future. However, there are concerns raised by experts about over-reliance on AI-powered counselors, as well as potential issues with people developing romantic attachments to robots. The article also addresses the importance of clear guidelines for programming AI software, especially in sensitive areas like sexuality and intimacy. There are potential benefits to using AI in educating people about sexuality, but ethical considerations and regulation are crucial. The article emphasizes that humans are still in control and integration with AI is key, while also highlighting the need for caution in the face of potential disruptions by other countries in AI technology.

The article briefly mentions China and Russia in the context of potential concerns about who is controlling AI technology. The sexuality expert, Kaamna Bhojwani, raises the question of implications if AI technology, particularly in the realm of relationships and intimacy, were to be controlled or influenced by these countries. She suggests being cautious about allowing machines into vulnerable spaces without knowing their origin.

However, the discussion of China and Russia in the article is relatively brief and not central to the main points being made. Their mention serves to highlight a broader concern about the source and control of AI technology, but they are not the primary focus of the article. The main focus is on the potential impacts of advanced AI on relationships, intimacy, and ethical considerations surrounding its use.

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  • @Chickenstalker
    29 months ago

    People will have sexbots irl and it will forever change the gender-relations landscape. On one hand, men will no longer need women for intimate relationship. This will take away most of the special treatment that women received from men via courtship and sex. On the other hand, artificial wombs will free women from the burden of pregnancy and giving birth. The logical extreme extrapolation of this trend is the complete loss of genders for humans in the future. We will be genetically and socially genderless.