I love how 3 of these are just women
Rebellious, baby killing, lewd men go to heaven.
Those are called angels, duh.
Lewd, rebellious and baby-killing men are all right to enter the kingdom of heaven, I suppose.
Pretty rookie list tbh, doesn’t even include people with long hair, chiropractors or unemployed.
Man Jesus must have the thinnest skin of tall time if he literally condemns people to eternal damnation for mocking him even once
Mock me once? Eternal damnation. Look up your astrology forecast for fun? Also eternal damnation. Watch the football instead of go to church on Sunday? Believe it or not, eternal damnation.
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Took me a hot minute to realize that sports nuts is not a kind of food, they aren’t sending snacks to hell.
What does it mean? Someone who’s really into sports??
It’s an idiom in English (in American English at least, I can’t speak for the other dialects). “Nut” can be slang for a crazy person, e.g. “That guy’s a real nut.” Other variations are “nutters” or “nut case”. A “<topic> nut” is someone who is “crazy” about that topic.
Doubt heaven has any snacks either.
Only people on that list I don’t like are astrologers.
Astrology is a r3tard.
It’s nice to make the list.
It’s an honor just to be nominated.
This is progressive for not adding Muslims. At least they can get to Heaven.
„Uhh. I think I have a bingo folks!“
„This is not how bingo works Meave…“
„Ugh“ -.-
It sort of takes the sting out of the threat when I find the subject of the threat to be laughably unlikely anyway.
Threatening me with sending my soul to hell is like threatening me that an djinn will steal my XboX: I don’t believe in djinn, and I don’t own an XboX, so it’s a moot point anyway.
Fuck yeah sign me up
I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, 'cause sinners are much more fun.
Only the good die young
Do dodo bep do do
Yeaaa oooh bayybe
What about the baby killing men? Are they cool?
5 out of 11. Is that enough for a bingo?
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