Drew Barrymore and Bill Maher are now not resuming their shows amid strikes.

  • XIIIesq
    851 year ago

    There are people in Scotland that crossed the coal miner’s picket lines in the 80’s who are pariahs to the day.

    It’s not a nice situation for anyone but they damn well knew that they were selling their souls. Fuck them.

    • @EnderMB
      561 year ago

      Not just them, their whole family. There are people in Wales and Scotland that were bullied at school because their dad’s crossed a picket line. It’s something that’ll almost literally define their lives in that area or country.

      • @BloodSlut
        301 year ago

        holy shit thats based

        (not the bullying, just the anti-scab mentality)

    • @m7cky
      41 year ago

      Same here in Yorkshire.

  • Xariphon
    761 year ago

    It took me far too many braincells to realize that this headline means “being mean to scabs is effective” and not “being mean to scabs is, itself, doing work.”

    Maybe I need to use the sleep.

    • @Tar_alcaran
      341 year ago

      “being mean to scabs is, itself, doing work.”

      Volunteer work is also work, and I’ll gladly do this for free.

      • Echo Dot
        51 year ago

        Although if I could be paid to be on strike I think that would be best.

      • @SCB
        01 year ago

        This is literally the job of labor union leaders. Go be one! We need more.

    • @Zehzin
      1 year ago

      If the being mean to scabs union goes on strike, what happens if a member of the union scabs?

  • ArugulaZ
    561 year ago

    ANOTHER reason to hate Bill Maher? You spoil me for choice, sir!

    • @[email protected]
      261 year ago

      Maher doesn’t even need to open his mouth for you to know what a smug bitch he is. But for the life of me I can’t figure out what he is feeling smug about.

      • @[email protected]
        211 year ago

        I thought his smugness worked… for a while. He’s been right on a great many things across his career, and was able to frame his scathing critiques in fairly unique, clever ways. (and/or his writers were) Indeed, at one time I admired his ability to look at things from pretty daring angles, even if he was sometimes way off.

        Problem is, he’s not the same anymore. Sort of like Joe Rogan, who at least started out with honest, interesting, amusing takes in a sort of ‘college student+’ kind of way. But something seems to have happened to these guys across the years. Not just the wealth, but the growing insulation from reality and… the normalisation of right-wing extremism. Something like that, anyway.

        Still, I can’t just forget that Maher was killing it for plenty of years, there, even if he did rub people the wrong way.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          You hit it on the nose. He had, and to some extent still has, a whiplash in his dialogue but man has he really gone off the deep end in the last couple of years. When he started sounding like some soap box winey resident from the villages blaming millennials for random shit that’s when I started to tune him out. His interview with Musk was boarder line creepy. Kind of like the age of the women he dates.

      • Chariotwheel
        91 year ago

        He is an angry man who knows it all and everyone else is just tok stupid to see what he sees.

  • @Phoenix3875
    271 year ago

    In the remedy video linked in the article, she said that she only wanted to keep the show going. I can feel that she indeed values the show and the connection it made between people. However, it’s also sad to see how this kind of blissful ignorance turns the creative drive into something that perpetuates inequality and harms the people connected by the show. She hurts people in a way she doesn’t understand. Maybe she’ll learn something this time.

    • @GopherOwl
      21 year ago

      Agreed. I feel she tried to do the right thing but didn’t. I hope she learns and I don’t really have animosity towards her. People make mistakes. And admitting you’re wrong is a huge thing our society doesn’t value like it should.

      Meanwhile Bill Maher tried to do the wrong thing and managed to successfully do the wrong thing, but for the wrong reasons. So… task failed successfully? I have zero expectations for him and yet he always manages to be a disappointment.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Is it actually budging the studio exec billionaires though? Or is it just prolonging infighting among the little folk, which distracts from the actual villains causing this situation in the first place?

    Because if the first thing isn’t true, it doesn’t matter at all.

  • Deceptichum
    -211 year ago

    That’s not really scabbing?

    Is Ryan Reynolds a scab because he’s still filming Deadpool 3?

    • @Zehzin
      1 year ago

      Yes? Don’t cross the picket line.

      • Deceptichum
        91 year ago

        But they didn’t, all 3 have operated under the unions own rules here.

        • @chuckleslord
          31 year ago

          No, Maher and Berrymore were told explicitly that if their shows came back during the strike they would be scabbing.

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        Everything I’ve read has suggested Drew Barrymore was going unscripted until the WGA strike was over (i.e. they were fully working within the terms of the strike).

        Do you have a source to suggest otherwise?

        • @chuckleslord
          1 year ago

          Unscripted is improv, which is a type of writing and therefore scabbing. Ryan Reynolds wasn’t doing improv on Deadpool 3 once WGA went on strike.

          Reynolds work counted as writing since he’s a writer. Improv isn’t writing usually

          • Evie
            21 year ago

            Pretty sure that ‘Improve’ tbe method, does not involve writing… it’s content that you come up with off the top of your head… there is no script

              • Evie
                1 year ago

                Yes and no? Improve is off the top of your head and is usually an acting method or exercise… writers do not improv. the writer may give prompts to have an actor or speaker go off the actors own ideas, but there is no structured writing and ideas coming from the writer going into the content of the improv exercise or method… whose line is it anyways, is a good example… there are prompts for the actors, but all content came from the actor themselves.

          • @SCB
            11 year ago

            Unscripted is improv, which is a type of writing

            Lol you’d rather fake the meaning of words than believe a Mother Jones article, of all things, is bullshit.

            • @chuckleslord
              31 year ago

              Sorry about that, was a misunderstanding on my part.

    • • milan •
      171 year ago

      Deadpool 3 is filming using a shooting script written by WGA members. Barrymore and Maher would have started filming with themselves replacing the work their writers would’ve done.