I’ve been working on getting a website going for a while now, or rather been thinking about doing that. Recently I found some time to get it going and it has been up for maybe 3 or 4 weeks.


As with everything I do, it’s still very much a work in progress. The main point of the website will be to allow me to expand a bit on guides, especially the ttrpg related videos.

I seem to always think of some more points to make on those after I’m done making the videos.

Apart from that it’s just links to where I’m currently at. Since I am woefully inactive on this community here, I haven’t really linked to it. Easiest and best way to have my ear or know what I’m currently up to is over on mastodon.


I’ve also recently started streaming to YouTube a bit more often. Currently playing some Guild Wars 2, but I am considering trying some TTRPG related things and maybe even some Crusader Kings III if the mood strikes me.

Thanks for reading! Hope you’re doing well and I’ll see you around.