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Writing about what you learn can deepen your understanding in several ways. It requires thoroughly exploring topics, articulating your thoughts clearly, and reflecting on connections. This process reveals gaps and inconsistencies in your knowledge. Regular writing also improves retention and communication skills long-term. The Feynman Technique promotes explaining concepts simply, which mirrors the benefits of writing explanations. Maintaining consistency is important for building habits, improving gradually, and achieving goals. While procrastination and burnout can hinder consistency, setting routines and celebrating progress can help overcome these challenges. Overall, writing about learning, using techniques like Feynman’s, and persevering consistently cultivates deeper understanding and drives lifelong curiosity and growth.

  • per @trashhalo, from their original post. Big thanks to them for bringing my attention to the article, and providing an excellent summary.
  • @morphballganon
    28 months ago

    Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! is one of my favorite books

    • @NerdyPopRocks
      28 months ago

      The Feynman Technique isn’t related to Richard Feyman. The guy that wrote a book on it said he named it because he admired Feynman, but probably just because he could capitalize on the hype of that name