People are going to see what you do on the internet. Period. The vpn dude, the browser dude, the marketing dude, the other company’s marketing dude…
What incognito does is delete my local browser history and tells the browser not to suggest this in my auto complete. That’s all. Same on youtube, at least it doesn’t pollute my feed with a random search for a video in icognito. Youtube still knows I watched it, but it’s useful to me.
It’s also great to log into your stuff on a borrowed computer without having to log them out first.
I don’t mind chrome or my isp knowing what I look at. What I do mind is friends using my pc/phone, typing in “e” and my browser being like, “Oh are you revisiting e621.nel/posts?tags=sandy_cheeks_cock_vore ? Here, let me auto fill it for you”
Who did ever think that mode was meant to keep the browser from knowing your dirty secrets?
I mean, it depends on what you mean by “I don’t want you to know”. If you mean don’t save it to my history then yeah, that works.
Do people who repost variations of this endlessly really not understand what incognito mode is for?