Two rotational playlist slots were updated, and two other playlist changes were made via a backend update today:

  • Arena rotational: Community Arena replaced Social Objectives. This iteration of Community Arena features all of the maps from the recent Tenrai III event and a new Forge map: Goliath.

  • Big Team Battle rotational: Big Team Heavies has replaced Big Team Social.

  • Ranked Arena staple playlist: the map Dredge has been added to the playlist with the Capture the Flag (3 captures) and Slayer gametypes. 

  • Team Slayer staple playlist: Dredge is now weighted equally with the other maps in this playlist.


  • KotActually
    21 year ago

    I’m ready to get HEAVY

    This was always one of my favorite casual modes to play with friends in Reach, so I glad to see a dedicated playlist for it now.

    Only a couple weeks until Season 5!