Dear Daughter,

Your mother and I are very much in love. Recently, I had moved from my place by the beach to a bigger place in a really nice area. There’s a theatre here and plenty of restaurants. They have a nice big pool and a lot of really cool people, it seems. Your mom went with me to sign the lease. When we got to the leasing office, she started to cry. I held her and asked her why she was crying and she said to me that it was because we were not doing this together. Your mom loves me so much that she wanted us both to live together. I was so touched by that. I felt really good about it, but sad for her. I thought to myself that it might be too soon for that, and besides her place is only one bedroom. I have too much junk to bring with me. Also perhaps another reason why I didn’t want to move in with her was because an incident occurred between her and I. You see, on the way up to your grandparents to spend the weekend, your mom and I got into an argument in the car. Arguments are normal. People sometimes disagree with one another. In relationships we often need to communicate and sometimes compromise to settle our differences. Those are very big parts of a successful relationship. A big problem is when one of the parties get physical. Unfortunately, your mom started hitting me on the way up to your grandparents. She smacked me a number of times on my face. I was deeply surprised by this and I told her to turn around and bring me home. She begged me to continue to your grandparents and I was upset and sat in my seat sulking and silent. When we got up to your grandparents and we got out of the car, I told your mother that hitting was never to happen again. I told her that I would never get physical with a woman for any reason. and that she is to never hit me ever again or I will leave her. Your mom started to cry and begged me stating that she would never do it again. I believe your mom and I love her very much, but I don’t have much tolerance for antics like that. I gave her another chance. If she does it again, I will certainly leave her. I honestly don’t understand what came over her, but I forgive her and I can move on.

Your Dad