• @EdibleFriend
    9 months ago

    I’m still a fan of when he showed a map to kid Rock and kid Rock literally was like ‘should I be seeing this?’

    Trump literally turned kid Rock into the voice of reason at one point.

    • @teamevil
      249 months ago

      I feel so goddamn gross realizing you’re right and that dirt bag at least has something resembling common sense

  • @Treczoks
    1099 months ago

    Loose lips sink ships, or something. There were times when people who did that got a cigarette, a blindfold, and a lonely place next to a bullet-ridden wall.

    • Random_Character_A
      409 months ago

      Trump is ready to leak anything to win browny point with millionaires and billionaires. Would also probably sell he’s two sons, but nobody wants them. ‘Only he matters’, like he once elegantly put.

    • @ghostdoggtv
      19 months ago

      Russian navy just fled their main Crimean base of operations. Sinking ships was exactly his goal.

  • 52fighters
    689 months ago

    If he could be found guilty of a serious crime before the first GOP primary, that would be super helpful. Can we get this done?

      • @paddirn
        289 months ago

        It actually wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had somebody running for President from prison. Eugene Debbs ran for President from a federal prison cell in the 1920 election. He also promised to pardon himself if he was elected.

    • @[email protected]
      -39 months ago

      I dunno id preffer he lost the election then got convicted for treason i if they thing its a political ploy too get him out of the running i fear things could get way worse then jan 6

      • @davepleasebehave
        209 months ago

        the results are not important to these people anyway. the election is null and void as far as they are concerned unless trump wins. so makes no difference trying to pander to fascists. punch them in the face and deplatform them.

        • @Bonskreeskreeskree
          109 months ago

          Facts. These people will openly say no amount of evidence would ever convince them 2020 was not rigged.

      • @Railing5132
        49 months ago

        If convicted of any of the numerous crimes he’s charged with, this man and his co-conspirators represent a palpable danger to democracy and should never be able to get near the levers of power again.

        As it stands, the public should recognize the danger he and his ilk have already demonstrated on the world and domestic stage and relegate them to a bad memory.

  • e_mc2
    539 months ago

    What does it take for this orange ape to finally go down into the darkest hell hole of oblivion? God knows what other highly sensitive information this senile blabbermouth has shared with far more dangerous people. To me it is absolutely unfathomable that this man is still walking around, free as a bird, with millions of people still rooting for him.

  • @teamevil
    519 months ago

    Isn’t that soft treason‽

    • @Bonskreeskreeskree
      179 months ago

      Did anyone care about nuclear secrets getting sold to the Saudis for 2 billion?

    • sylver_dragon
      129 months ago

      Probably not treason, as running his mouth to an Australian national isn’t really providing aid to the US’s enemies (I don’t think we’ve signed a mutual defense pact with Emus, yet). However, running your mouth and disclosing Classified information, is a crime. Funny how I remember a bunch of people chanting something about locking someone up over mishandling of sensitive government information a few years back. Might be time for a few rounds of “lock him up!”

    • Gyromobile
      59 months ago

      Ive only ever heard of high treason

    • wjrii
      69 months ago

      I mean, I’m not winning any beauty contests myself, but Pratt does sort of look like an AI prompt for “cartoonishly evil Australian billionaire.” I expect some troupe of Paw Patrol-adjacent talking marsupials to haul him back to Breadalbane any minute now.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    99 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Former US president Donald Trump reportedly discussed “potentially sensitive” details of America’s nuclear submarine program with an Australian billionaire.

    The American ABC news outlet reported that Mr Trump told Anthony Pratt the supposed number of nuclear warheads on US subs, and how close they could get to a Russian submarine without being detected.

    “The Department of Justice should investigate the criminal leaking, instead of perpetrating their baseless witch-hunts while knowing that President Trump did nothing wrong, has always insisted on truth and transparency, and acted in a proper manner, according to the law,” the spokesman said.

    He was praised by Donald Trump as “the most successful man in Australia” during a visit to a Pratt Industries plant in Ohio in 2019.

    The AUKUS deal, under which Australia will obtain nuclear-powered — but not nuclear-armed subs — was announced by Mr Trump’s successor Joe Biden about five months later.

    But Shadow Foreign Minister Simon Birmingham said Mr Trump would not have been aware of the discussions taking place behind the scenes.

    The original article contains 592 words, the summary contains 169 words. Saved 71%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @the_tab_key
    69 months ago

    As bad as this sounds, there’s no way the information trump shared is anywhere close to correct. Everything’s a big fish to him. How close can a US sub get to a Russian sub?

    Lots of people are saying, you know, believe me that our beautiful perfect subs can, Subway is the greatest by the way. Not as good as McDonald’s but pretty good, our subs can grab the Russian subs by the shaft and they don’t even notice. Now we wouldn’t be able to do that if Obama had his way.

  • Sagrotan
    39 months ago

    These two are a pair for apocalypse. Great.