Hi all,

Seeing as I created this community it seems only fair that I kick it off with details of my Mini Lab!! LOL

Instead of them just sitting on top of each other I took inspiration from another user and built a custom rack using 2020 aluminium extrusion and 3D printed parts.

These are the specs of the servers

Make Model CPU RAM HDD 1 (OS) HDD 2 (Storage) Installed OS
Dell Optiplex 7060 Intel i7-8700T 24Gb 240GB SSD 500GB M.2 Proxmox (Holden)
Dell Optiplex 7050 Intel i5-7500T 16GB 240GB SSD 500GB M.2 Proxmox (Nagata)
Dell Optiplex 7050 Intel i5-6600 8GB 240GB SSD 500GB M.2 Proxmox (Kamal)
Dell Optiplex 7050 Intel i5-7500T 16GB 240GB SSD 500GB M.2 Proxmox (Burton)
Dell Opitplex 3050 Intel i5-7500T 8GB 500 HDD 500GB M.2 Proxmox Backup Server

Pictures - https://imgur.com/a/d950ydM You can see most of the services I’m running in the Proxmox cluster screen shot, but I’m also running these in the CT called “docker-test”

  • Docuwiki
  • Heimdall
  • Homeassistant (test env)
  • Nextcloud (test env)
  • Nginx Proxy Manager
  • Portainer
  • Overseer
  • Pi-Alert
  • Uptime Kuma

My “Holden” node currently has nothing running but I intend to use this node for Plex and the *arr’s suite using my TrueNAS as storage for the movies & TV shows instead of the local storage.

I also have a a Dell Wyse 3040 that I’ve installed Proxmox on and this runs my instance of OpenVPN when I 'm away on holiday so that I can shutdown all the servers but still VPN home.

I’ve uploaded the print files to Printables - https://www.printables.com/model/499181-mini-lab-rack-for-dell-optiplex-mff-servers in case anyone wants to use them for something similar.

Also, it’s quite heavy so I’ve had to relocate it from on top of a utility room wall cupboard as I wasn’t convinced the cupboard brackets would support the cupboard, it’s contents and the server rack!! LOL

  • @art101
    32 years ago

    That’s a nice set up there fellow Expanse fan!

    • @SonyJunkieOPM
      12 years ago

      Thank you. the stupid thing is I thought for ages on a naming theme. All my Raspberry Pi’s (currently 20 of them!!) are named after objects in the Solar system so I wanted something different. LOL

      I’ve got a Dell SFF that I use for testing that I’ve named “peaches” but I’m not adding it to the cluster and the Wyse 3040 is named “draper”. LOL

      • @art101
        32 years ago

        20 Raspberry Pi’s?? Wow, what do you use them for?

        I’ve got a whopping two that I use as media players with media stored on an Unraid array.

        Trying to get an optiplex from work that is being thrown away to use for Proxmox with the plan to migrate my Home Assistant install to along with Frigate and hopefully NextPVR or TVHeadend to manage Freeview TV around the house.

        • @SonyJunkieOPM
          22 years ago

          Ha ha! the RPi’s are used for a variety of things, here are just a few:

          • 2x Octopi for 2 3D printers (4b 2GB & 3B+)
          • FarmPi (3B+)
          • Volumio (0W)
          • Pimoroni Pirate Radio (0W)
          • Keybow (0W)
          • Pi Hole Back Up (0 2W)
          • Sense Hat learning (4B 4GB)
          • Pop! OS (4B 8GB)
          • AIY Kit (3B)
          • Inkyphat Weather display (3A+)
          • 4 Letter Phat for clock and crypto price tracking (0W)
          • Kodi (2B)
          • Lots unused!!
  • @tallwookie
    22 years ago

    that “6u rack” is pretty sweet, where did you get it from?

    • @SonyJunkieOPM
      22 years ago

      Thanks, the frame is self designed and made. I found a cool company here in the UK that will supply the extrusion in any length required so I planned out the frame, worked out the lengths I needed and ordered it from them. It’s all 2020 extrusion and I think it’s 4x 200mm, 4x 300mm, 4x 400mm & 2x 360mm. all held together with L corner brackets. The 3D printed parts were designed in Tinkercad.

      If you follow the Printables link there’s a basic description of the design and parts.

      Feel free to ask questions if you want more information.

      • @tallwookie
        22 years ago

        thanks! was kind of hoping it’d be a product I could get. oh well! looks slick as hell though

        • @SonyJunkieOPM
          22 years ago

          Hmmm, that gives me an idea for an Etsy listing!! 😝🤣🤣

          • @tallwookie
            22 years ago

            lol if you do it post here, I’d consider buying a kit/assembled product

  • @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    Not a fan of Dell, but that’s a pretty cool Optiplex rack. Wonder why we don’t see more of these little ITX rackable units.

    • @SonyJunkieOPM
      12 years ago

      Thanks. I think most people only have 1 or two and they just stack them on top of each other!! LOL

  • @Mandolan
    11 year ago

    Hi there! I’ve just bought 2 7060 SFF, hoping to get another one soon to get a pool going, I was attempting to install a NVME M.2 SSD but it’s not being recognised by the motherboard, I’m wondering if the m.2 drives you installed were they SATA or NVME? Did you have this issue?

    • @SonyJunkieOPM
      11 year ago

      Hi, I’m sure they are NVME. I think they are Seagate units. I didn’t use brand new ones, they were recycled from old workstations. I just reformatted them and installed them. Sorry I couldn’t be more help 😕

  • 𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙚
    12 years ago

    This is so awesome. I feel like I’m missing out on a truly awesome setup without a 3d printer. Raspberry Pi cluster cases are pretty pricey.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    • @SonyJunkieOPM
      12 years ago

      Thank you, I’m really pleased how it came out.

      I’ve got 2 3D printers and I use them infrequently but they are really handy.