Some beyond brats and Hellmann’s vegan mayo macaroni salad. All covered in green onion. I love shitty vegan food so much.

  • @craigersOP
    89 months ago

    Y’all I got lots of shitty vegan food to share… So happy to find this community. I am the king of unhealthy deep-fried microwave processed shitty food that just so happens to be vegan. More to come, that photo was just my most recent. Phone camera is on the fritz right now… Thanks pixel but more to come.

  • @craigersOP
    49 months ago

    Also unrelated but I uploaded to imgur out of habit, do we have a preferred image hosting for lemmy?

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      Lots of people do seem to upload to Imgur. I’m guessing, because lots of people are ex-Redditors.

      Thing is, I only know, because it so often doesn’t work properly. If you post a link directly to an image, Lemmy will load that image inline and I wouldn’t even see the link. I think, there’s a way to get a direct link for Imgur images, but I don’t know how. My personal hell is that not even the Imgur webpage loads for me. 🫠

      What’s also an option, is to upload images to Lemmy directly.