Dear Daughter,

Your mom doesn’t waste any time. It’s not even a month since I proposed and she is already home shopping despite there being a huge economic crisis in the housing market. Yes. Many people have lost much of their life savings as a result. Banks are failing left and right. The company I once worked for, Lehman bros closed their doors. Unfortunately, I lost all the stock that I owned from them as an employee. Oh boy. I’m excited but nervous because of the crazy real estate market. That doesn’t stop your mom. She is a go-getter when it comes to real estate. She already owns two properties. She sure is hungry for more.

I decided to move in with your mom so we could save the rent money and apply it to a new home.

I keep reminding your mom about the fact that she will get the most loyal man and all she has to do is give me my space. Although she agreed, we’re finding it hard for her to differentiate between giving me my space, and my duties as a soon to be husband. I’m trying to remind her, but she gets very upset with me when I hang out with my friends or family. She has a bit of a habit of insulting them as well.

I told your mom that I never want to live in an apartment ever again. You see, I’ve moved so much from apartment to apartment that I see the complications when people live next to or on top of other people. Some people can be very selfish and inconsiderate of their neighbors, especially when they share walls. She really doesn’t seem to be listening to me though and she is insisting on buying this 3 bedroom apartment that is in the same location as where we are living now. I reminded her again and she started to cry. I held her close and asked her why she is crying, and she said that she really wants this new apartment. I reminded her about my requirements and she started to cry even more, then she told me she really likes the place. She even went as far as to promise me that it would be quiet like her apartment and that the renovations would only take 3 months. I said, renovations???

Remember what daddy said about compromise, and its importance in a relationship? Well, guess what? Daddy decided to compromise for your mommy. I guess I love her so much. I love her so much that I ignored all my concerns and issues that I’ve had in the past and the fact that there is a financial crisis going on. It looks like we’re going to be new home buyers of an apartment after all. Guess what? Your mom even asked me to pay for it all. I’m just going to go with what she says because I love her so much.

Your Dad