Dear Daughter,

It is with great sorrow that I tell you that your uncle, my loving brother was killed in a tragic accident. This was the man who taught your daddy how to ride a bike. He helped me learn to swim. He used to love to take us to McDonalds and for Carvel ice cream when I was younger. He made some mistakes and learned some lessons. He was done with all that, and he told me before his death about how he was looking forward to being reunited with his 5 children and wife in Florida. Once again, we had a full house at the funeral home. There were so many people that showed up for his funeral, that the line of people flowed outside of the room. He was a good father and a good person to people. He was well loved. Grandma is very upset. We all are. A child should never die before their parents. It is a tragedy when that happens.

Overall, I’m a bit disappointed with your mom. She is not coming to New York to support me like she did for Grandpa’s death. Everyone keeps asking for her. Where is she, they ask me? I really, really needed her, but I understand that she had other things to attend to. I love her so much, that I forgave her for not coming. It would have been good to have her here, but I am very patient with her.

Your grandpa thinks we should postpone our wedding, and I actually agree with him, but your mom won’t have that. She want’s to go ahead full steam and as planned. She certainly is a go-getter when it comes to certain things.

The last time I wrote to you, I spoke about our home purchase and renovations. They have gone on quite longer than your mom expected. Home renovations are very time consuming and stressful. I’m trying to keep my wits about me. Unfortunately, I heard a lot of noise coming from a neighboring apartment the other day. It’s making me a bit nervous because it’s not the first time this happened. Your mom promised us that it would be quiet here. If you recall, I voiced my opinion to her about apartment living, but I made some concessions in regards to her wanting the property, because I love her so much. I hope this noise is not a continual problem for us.

Your mom still isn’t getting the point that I still need my space. She keeps agreeing to it, but she keeps contradicting herself. I’ll continue to be patient with her but I don’t like how she insults my family sometimes when she gets upset.

I think I mentioned to you in the past that mommy got a new job. Well, she really doesn’t like her manager. She keeps ripping into this guy every time she comes home to talk about her day. She also still lays it into her cousin, for giving free car washes out again. Are these people really as bad as she says they are? I listen patiently but wonder that I’d hate to be on the receiving end of that and I hope I never am. I’ll be patient with her, because as I said, I do love her.

Your Dad