Literally no one thanked him for his service sad.
If anyone else is confused by that headline as well, mum means silent.
Is ‘mum’ meaning hush-hush uncommon? I’m American by birth, but I watch Doctor Who and other British shows and they may have warped my vocabulary…
Mum’s out of the headline, and hush-hush is in. :)
As a non-native speaker, I was reading ‘mum’ as ‘mom’ and that was definitely not making sense.
Born and raised in the Midwest here - ‘mum’ meaning silent makes perfect sense to me. It’s not common but I would’ve chalked that up to time, not geography. That said, a saying like “mum’s the word” does strike me as British.
I’m so old I still say ‘swell’.
Well ain’t that grand
Cat’s pajamas, baby
Midwestern here, I’ve never heard ‘Mum’ be used in place of ‘silent’
I’m pretty familiar with it, coming from the US also. “Mum’s the word”, “stay mum”. Quiet would have been an okay replacement too.
Two thoughts: this guy is seriously mentally ill and omertà is still a thing.