• @alvvayson
    288 months ago

    As a father, I just can’t imagine being in that situation.

    Totally powerless to protect your own children :(

    • Praise Idleness
      98 months ago

      No, that’s how you know you’re on the victim side of the story. How are they right when they are not the actor of the situation to begin with?

      Hamas: wrong side Israel: wrong side

      Palestinians: victims Israelis: victims

      • @neeshie
        58 months ago

        Why do people both sides this issue? We would never both sides the ANC vs. Apartheid, or Algeria vs. the French, or Haiti vs the French, or Native Americans vs Colonists, or Nat Turner vs slaveholders, because even though everyone committed horrific crimes that should never have been commited, one side was clearly worse. Why is this situation different.

        • Praise Idleness
          8 months ago

          We should still condemn Israel. Just because Hamas is kidnapping, raping, actively shooting up civilian houses, dragging dead bodies behind trucks, shooting at running away civilians, shooting rockets all willy nilly, ending up bombing civilians for the last decades, using people in Gaza as a human shield, inncapable of protecting its citizens from Israel’s counter attack, and is a theocratic religious nutjobs whose tolerance is only for honour killing, rather than queer people or women’s rights. Israel is bombing civilian buildings and hospitals. They should also be the bad side, even though one is very much clearly the worst side someone can possibly be on.

          • @Why9
            18 months ago

            Found the Nazi sympathiser

          • @neeshie
            18 months ago

            Yeah, we should absolutely be condemning Israel. It’s literally committing ethnic cleansing as we speak. Both sidesing the issue and pretending that the resistance movement is just as bad as a colonial apartheid state that is currently engaging in genocide is wrong. That would be like saying Nat Turner was just as bad as the slaveholders, or the Algerians were just as bad as the French. That was the point of my original comment.

            Regarding queer and women’s rights, Israel is the reason Palestinians don’t have that. Israel is the reason they have fundamentalist Islamists instead of secular marxists at the front of the movement. Palestinians can only win their fight against religious fundamentalism after they win their fight to break free from their open air prison.

            • Praise Idleness
              18 months ago

              Mmn yes resistance movement that holds its civilians as hostage, blocking the borders internally so that no precious civilians that are their only means of negotiation can get away from the situation.

              Regarding queer and women’s rights, Israel is the reason Palestinians don’t have that. Israel is the reason they have fundamentalist Islamists instead of secular marxists at the front of the movement. Palestinians can only win their fight against religious fundamentalism after they win their fight to break free from their open air prison.

              Yes because any other places that are muslim and not have Israel problem is a nice place to be for queer people or women.

              • @neeshie
                8 months ago

                Mmn yes resistance movement that holds its civilians as hostage, blocking the borders internally so that no precious civilians that are their only means of negotiation can get away from the situation.

                I don’t think you fully understand how violent most revolutionary movements are. Either way, blocking civilians from moving doesn’t fucking matter bc Israel is bombing everywhere indiscriminately. If they go to the south the get bombed, if they stay in the north they get bombed, if they take refuge in a church or hospital they get bombed, whats the fucking point.

                Yes because any other places that are muslim and not have Israel problem is a nice place to be for queer people or women.

                Again, they could have had secular marxists mostly in charge but Israel supported Hamas as a counterweight to them so here we are. They can figure out that whole issue once they stop being colonized and occupied. The PFLP and DFLP along with other secular orgs might have enough power once Palestine is free, but again, a queer person in Gaza’s main worry right now is probably the bombs, not coming out of the closet.

                • Praise Idleness
                  48 months ago

                  whats the fucking point.

                  What’s the point if hamas let people do what they seem fit and not shooting Gazan civilians at least trying to run away from it or not?

                  You are literally the most ridiculous person I’ve ever seen on Lemmy. Please block me as I will you.

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                The hostages thing is a racist lie and you can tell because we’re 20ish days in and there hasn’t been a single shred of evidence to back it up.

                Edit: Ahh I fucked up here. I meant to say “human shields” not “hostages”. Very big mistake on my part

      • @[email protected]
        -28 months ago

        Strong recommend you rewind a little further.

        Or ask yourself who’s bombing civilians currently. Actively.

        • Praise Idleness
          8 months ago

          So? Are you implying that the Hamas is not in the wrong side or that I said that the Israeli government is not the wrong side? Both of them are wrong.

          I’ve seen videos and videos of Gazan people suffering from this war. I’ve also seen how Hamas literally raiding a civilian house and shoot up the possble hiding spot, shooting an unarmed civilian running away, beating up pleading civilian to death, shooting at running away civilian car, beheading dead remains of a solider, beheading a queer person because of course they are one of the most homophobic, violent religious groups… List goes on and on.

          Israel fucked up bombing gaza. That’s exactly what Hamas wanted. So that the people turn against them. To make them look like a victim. Israel is on the wrong side too. But if you seriously think that the Hamas is just or not as bad as Israel, you’re just making fool of yourself.

          • @[email protected]
            -58 months ago

            How much revenge is enough? It’s something like 13 confirmed Hamas have been killed so far. The numbers of children killed is in the THOUSANDS. There’s something very fucking wrong about that ratio.

            • Praise Idleness
              38 months ago

              So that makes Hamas good? Do you read what I said before you answer this? I am not saying Israel good.

                • Praise Idleness
                  28 months ago

                  Then why are you keep coming up with Israel bad? I explicitly agreed with you. Just move on. Both are bad and in wrong side. Only victims are civilians who did nothing to deserve those cruelty.

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              That claim doesn’t sound true. There’s combat footage of IDF gunships killing squads of Hamas, pretty sure that’s more than 13.

    • @TokenBoomerOP
      -28 months ago

      How else are you gonna identify the human shields? /s

  • @Gerula
    -28 months ago

    The link is not working anymore, but reading the headline: as a father I would take my kids and get the fuck out of there! I can understand the motivation and fight for whatever rights, lands, religion but knowingly involving kids is unacceptable.

      • @Gerula
        08 months ago

        Now, It’s true, they can’t. Before they attacked Israel I believe they could.