An exploration of eastern history, philosophy and literature through the lens of jrpg storytelling.

Can’t say much more about this guy, I found him recently. This is good work though.

  • @voxov7
    21 year ago

    This was such a good video. I love eastern history and philosophy, especially dtaoism, but never learned much about Japan in that regard. It was quite touching and put a lot into perspective. Fighting banal and indifferent systems that only take without recompense is what I mean to get good at, and this video helps me understand the perspective of, hopefully future Japanese allies.

    His voice is so soothing and the subject matter strikes a nice balance between pertinent and fun. Thank you!

    • @CandelestineOP
      21 year ago

      Yeah I was really impressed when I first found this guy. I think it was this very vid. I’m not sure what inspired a lawyer to do cultural exploration content, but he’s good at it.

      Btw, regarding taoism, there’s a taoist community (couple of them actually) here on lemmy. Just pop a few relevant terms into the community search bar. Not as good as reddits yet, it’s small. But growing.

      • @voxov7
        211 months ago

        I’m in one, but glad to know there are more. Thanks!