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These folks have been around for a couple years already and i’m kinda surprised to realize this is actually their first real full length release to date. The intro falsely hints at a somewhat progressive-ish direction, though subsequently they settle into a more familiar aesthetic, a sound that’s absolutely of their time yet kinda singular among their peers in its angular, elaborate elegance - a mixture of post- and garage punk hitting the perfect mixture of smart and fun, kinda relaxed yet incredible propulsive all the same, remarkable for its layered textures and effortless execution, also presenting them at their catchiest so far. At times you might compare them to artsy post punk groups á la more recent Institute, Exit Group and Mononegatives, the slightly psyched-up variant of this as played by, say, Marbled Eye, Waste Man, Bruised or Public Eye as well as playful, clever garage punk acts like Erik Nervous, Clarko, Tee Vee Repairman, Mononegatives, Pinch Points, Dumb, Uranium Club, Reality Group… and i could still come up with many more awesome reference points. This shit rules, plain and simple!