- They do not address the layoffs or mention a delay to TFS.
- Available Crucible gametypes are changing.
- New is Sparrow Control, sparrows will be enabled in Crucible. (okay…)
- Lots of changes to existing modes.
- Trials rewards granted for number of wins on a card before becoming flawed.
- Trials will have Checkmate for a weekend soon.
- Ritual Weapon for Season 23 is a Void Caster Frame Sword.
- New Perk grants Orbs on sustained damage.
- Can roll Repulsor Brace/Destabilizing Rounds
- Trials Weapons Updates:
- Leaving: Immortal and Astral Horizon
- New: Strand Adaptive Trace Rifle
- Returning: Eye of Sol as a Cassoid weapon. (drops telesto bolts on kill)
- Vanguard Weapons:
- Leaving: Buzzard and “fan favorite” The Swarm
- New: Arc Wave Frame Breach GL
- Returning: Uzume RR4 Arc Sniper
- Iron Banner:
- Leaving: Gunnora’s Axe and Dark Decider (thank god)
- New: Strand High Impact AR
- Returning: Riiswalker
EDIT: Comp weapon focusing is also coming. Rose will be obtainable again.
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