Historical Lovecraft was published by Innsmouth Free Press on April 20, 2011. It was edited by Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Paula R. Stiles. Subtitled Tales of Horror Through Time, this is a history-themed anthology with stories taking place in various time periods, chronologically ordered into three sections: “Ancient History”, “Middle Ages” and “Modern Era”. The theme was partly inspired by the editors’ historical interests and partly from Lovecraft’s extrapolations of frightening pasts for humanity that extended back to the Paleolithic and even further.

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Innsmouth Free Press (2011) - Anna Archive Link


  • Introduction by Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Paula R. Stiles
  • “The God Lurking in Stone” by Andrew Dombalagian
  • “The Seeder from the Stars” by Julio Toro San Martin
  • “Deus ex Machina” by Nathaniel Katz
  • “If Only to Taste Her Again” by E. Catherine Tobler
  • “Shadows of the Darkest Jade” by Sarah Hans
  • “The Chronicle of Aliyat Son of Aliyat” by Alter S. Reiss
  • “Silently, Without Cease” by Daniel Mills
  • “The Good Bishop Pays the Price” by Martha Hubbard
  • “The Saga of Hilde Ansgardóttir” by Jesse Bullington
  • “An Interrupted Sacrifice” by Mae Empson
  • “Pralaya: The Disaster” by Y. W. Purnomosidhi
  • “The City of Ropes” by Albert Tucher
  • “Inquisitor” by William Meikle
  • “The Far Deep” by Josh Reynolds [as Joshua Reynolds]
  • “City of Witches” by Regina Allen
  • “Ahuizotl” by Nelly Geraldine García-Rosas
  • “An Idol for Emiko” by Travis Heermann
  • “The Infernal History of the Ivybridge Twins” by Molly Tanzer
  • “Black Leaves” by Mason Ian Bundschuh
  • “The Second Theft of Alhazred’s Manuscript” by Bradley H. Sinor
  • “Ngiri’s Catch” by Aaron Polson
  • “What Hides and What Returns” by Bryan Thao Worra
  • “Black Hill” by Orrin Grey [as Orrin Gray]
  • “Amundsen’s Last Run” by Nathalie Boisard-Beudin
  • “Red Star, Yellow Sign” by Leigh Kimmel
  • “Found in a Trunk from Extremadura” by Meddy Ligner

Cover by Mancomb-Seepwood