313 Chameleon If I don’t want to be known, I cannot be known. The best actor can divide role from self. The best liar can divide truth from falsity. People think that they know you. Soon you begin to play the role that they place on you. Why should you act a certain way to please others? You should do things from your inner awareness and from your own feelings. If they do not accord with the herd, then so much the better. You should change when it pleases you. Your life is flexi-ble. If you let other people shape you, then you will never know independence. The sages say that all life is illusory, and they usually lament this. The way of Tao is to use this fact and not let it oppress you. If you want to dodge others, then step behind one of the myriad illusions in this world. If you do not volunteer anything and you neither confirm or deny, the opinions of others can never stick to you. Then you will be left in peace. True sages never go by appearances. When it comes to in-trospection, they are not deceived by the appearances their own minds spew out. They know that if they want to get at the truth, then they must pierce to the very core. So if you would hide from others, avail yourself of the false appearances of life, If you would know yourself, distinguish between the false appearances of life. Above all, do not be put off by the illusory nature of life. Use it. Everything in this life can be an advantage to the wise.