I have been giving my previous post a lot of thought and I have decided on and currently planning on creating a koala community on here which I would like to look into having interlinked here somehow, as I’m sure there are some on here who are looking forward to seeing koalas showing up in their Lemmy Feed. In the meantime, I have been bookmarking stuff and working up a list of stuff to begin posting on it.
Right now, I have been thinking it will contain not only topics on koala conservation, but other koala related stuff including pictures of koalas. These are the currently names I have been thinking of calling it and I haven’t been able to decide on which one to go with, even though I have been looking at koala clipart and koala fonts to use with the banner of it.
- c/koalakin
- c/koalaklub
- c/koalakonservation
- c/koalakoncerns
- c/koalakorner
- c/koalaklan
- c/koalapub
- c/koalatime
- c/koalawilderness
- c/koalawoodlands
And this is a name that I have thought of when I was thinking of Koalawalla Land from the Noozles cartoon.
- c/koalawallawoods
You can let me know which name I should go with and I may look into going with it.