Yes plz.

  • @TomMhCl
    62 years ago

    I’d love this but I don’t see it happening right now. There doesn’t seem to be any momentum for improving workers lives at this time.

    • @shreknel
      52 years ago

      I found that even one additional hour per day to spend on family and enjoyment was improving my work output in a way that it almost negated the one hour of worktime lost.

      • Mysteriarch ☀️M
        22 years ago

        It may be depended on the type of work, but many of the trials being held around this seems to point out that production or quality doesn’t lower and general well-being increases. Although I’d argue that a reduction in production isn’t really a problem: we’re very productive in our country as it is; (over)production adds to waste and pollution; and any shortage in production can be compensated by just hiring more people.

        • @DV8
          22 years ago

          You misconstrue what old fashioned employers interpret when they see this. They see people have an extra vdayvof productivity in them and they’re lazy for not giving it.

  • @DV8
    52 years ago

    I’d honestly prefer the four day workweek, as in four days of working eight hours. But seeing as the employers’ lobby and their cronies will never let that happen, some additional holidays would be nice.

    • @shreknel
      12 years ago

      I think it depends on your personal state of mind. Some people might enjoy being deconnected more and others just the additional ‘buffer’ of time around worktime.

      • @DV8
        12 years ago

        I don’t enjoy working to begin with in the current economic system in any way. Most work, including mine is busy work to keep the infinite growth bubble from popping. Keeping the bubble alive is why a four day workweek will not happen any time soon. There’s a shortage of people able to do the work that’s needed. So decreasing the hours these people are available goes against the self interest of the rich.