This is not opinion or leftist. It’s news about fighting in the party, which is factual, recent, and on-topic.

Removal of this post is admitting that this sub is only about being a safe space for conservatives to circle-jerk while ignoring reality.

I encourage a discussion about the recent conflicts inside the party, how that might impact the party moving forward, and what can be done to prevent this divide.

  • ThrowawayM
    -18 months ago

    You guys realize that a lot of conservatives don’t like politicians, right? Also, conservatives are not a monolith.

    Think of how a lot of leftists don’t like the DNC.

  • @[email protected]
    -18 months ago

    This article seems to draw the wrong point from the interview. The historian being interviewed says the quickness to resort to violence by Republican politicians is nearly identical to that of Southern politicians right before the US Civil War. She notes that these Southern politicians were emboldened by the fact that they could do anything and not be politically reprimanded for it. Their constituents actually liked how violent they were, so it just kept getting worse. She notes that modern day Republicans enjoy the same luxury. The historian stops short of saying America is headed towards another civil war because their politicians would rather use threat and violence over debate and compromise, and the American voters like it.

  • @[email protected]
    -68 months ago

    I think it’s good that there’s still some aspect of society where men can literally hit each other, and benefit from the peace of mind and bonding that actual fisticuffs inevitably leads to.

    • @[email protected]
      78 months ago

      Republicans: We’re the Party of Family Values. Also Republicans: Senators should be able to fight people in the Senate.

      • PizzaMan
        58 months ago

        Don’t forget the time they elected a guy who has constantly cheated on his partners, and had several kids from several different mothers.

        And don’t forget the countless times they’ve voted to end social safety nets that help keep kids/families out of poverty.

        They’re the party of “grab em by the pussy”, not family values.

    • @[email protected]
      -78 months ago

      And while that may sound like a joke, it’s not. I’m dead serious that I think it’s a tragedy that men are now completely cut off from that beautiful, peaceful feeling one gets from reducing his beef with another man down to physical pain, and then ensuring both men hurt a little, and the tension just being gone afterward.

      I don’t think it’s right to view “descending to blows” to be the worst thing that’s happened in congress lately.