US authorities have thwarted a plot to kill a Sikh separatist in the United States and issued a warning to India over concerns the government in New Delhi was involved, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed sources.

There were no immediate responses from India’s foreign ministry or the US embassy in New Delhi to requests for comment on the report.

The Financial Times said its sources did not say if the protest to India resulted in the plot being abandoned or if it was foiled by the FBI.

The protest to New Delhi was registered after the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, was welcomed on a state visit by the US president, Joe Biden, in June, the report said.

The report comes two months after Canada said there were “credible” allegations linking Indian agents to the June murder of a Sikh separatist leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in a Vancouver suburb.

  • DarkGamer
    408 months ago

    Between this, India’s continuing to buy Russian fuel, and their assassination plot in Canada and the fallout from that, it seems like India is moving politically away from the west. Will they align themselves more with Russia, China & Iran?

    • @agitatedpotato
      248 months ago

      India has allegiances have always been more about convenience it seems.

      • @gAlienLifeform
        248 months ago

        I mean, considering colonization and things like that, the rest of the world’s allegiance to India has always been about convenience too it seems.

        That absolutely doesn’t justify them trying to murder an activist, and Modi’s whole career of Hindu supremacy can fuck all the way off, but if we’re gonna bring up India’s history it seems like that’s an important part of how we got here

    • Hillock
      148 months ago

      I think they want to build a new front rather than joining an existing one. They might align more with Russia but I don’t see India and China getting closer anytime soon.

      The border clashes between India and China are getting more frequent. China and Pakistan are fairly aligned, which is a no-go for India. China doesn’t like that India is chiming in on the South Chinese Sea stuff (against China). China doesn’t like India “supporting” Tibet.

      I don’t know enough about the relation between India and Iran to comment on it.

    • @[email protected]
      128 months ago

      India is one of those countries that thinks Multipolarity is a euphemism for them winning geopolitics and becoming the secret true monopole.

      See also, Turkey, Brazil, and Russia.

      China to a lesser extent because they only really give a fuck about denying America options to fuck with them in a war scenario and aside from that are content so long as trade keeps flowing.

    • @Evilcoleslaw
      8 months ago

      They’ve never really been aligned with the West post-colonialism. The US aligned itself with Pakistan during the Cold War and even sent in a carrier group to intimidate India from intervening in the Bangladeshi Liberation War. (Bangladesh was previously East Pakistan.)

    • @Cornelius_Wangenheim
      58 months ago

      India will never be aligned with China because China wants to steal substantial portions of India’s territory, both in Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      I don’t think India has ever been aligned with the west. Only with themselves, as it should be. They’ve always had close ties with Russia, China not so much.

      • roguetrick
        38 months ago

        It is absolutely correct that India has always been nonaligned. That said, the current diplomatic moves are entirely centered around the pseudofascist hindutva BJP party.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      Rather than paint countries black and white on sides, its a really a game of taking advantage of situations for maximum gain. India plays 3rd wheel to benefit from others decisions.

    • Tedesche
      38 months ago

      Terrible strategy if they are. Russia and China have absolutely zero desire to help them. The West would actually work with them to address their economic issues and develop a more egalitarian society; Russia and China just want their resources.

    • @flyboy_146
      8 months ago

      This is what the last paragraph is referring to.

      Edit: sorry, I meant to reply to OP, but “oh well”, is also my response then!

      • Pistcow
        28 months ago

        Has india always been a shit heel or is it just the recent news coverage?

        • @Fades
          18 months ago

          It is not new

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            It’s a pretty new flex to try assassination in theoretically allied nations.

            India certainly has its problems but its progress is, or has been, real, and this is definitely not that.

  • @[email protected]
    128 months ago

    Shocking, they did it in Canada, and the rest of the global community didnt react, so they tried it again.

  • Jaysyn
    118 months ago

    Modi is going to fuck around & find out how much better the CIA is at that.

    • @gAlienLifeform
      8 months ago

      That’d be wonderful, but seeing how things worked out for Mr. Bone Saw over in Saudi Arabia makes me a little more pessimistic

    • @[email protected]
      98 months ago

      Nah, the CIA sucks at it too, they just pulled so much shit because they tried exponentially more shit.

      Just look at how many ways they tried to get Castro