Hi folks, i started when it was dark this morning and now I’m finishing when it’s dark this evening to bring you highlights from #AWS #reinvent 2023. Yesterday AWS released 68 updates so theres a lot to learn and keep up with. I’ve put together a dedicated play list of videos for you and broken up the topics into grouped areas, such as #compute, #storage or #AI. I hope you find this useful and if you can please reshare this with your network to help the channel grow. You can link to the playlist here: https://bit.ly/3QXIo7B and I’ve also posted the individual video’s below:

CloudWatch Updates: https://youtu.be/NRL65SDAY4w

StepFunction Updates: https://youtu.be/XJw0QlPJSqQ

IaC Updates: https://youtu.be/7_g-fxXdL8Q

PartyRock Updates: https://youtu.be/-AJAbRQ80-M

Billing Updates: https://youtu.be/lSJ-MTEteTY

Storage Updates: https://youtu.be/Xpj2Tnj66Ok

Compute Updates: https://youtu.be/uc8So7fJIa0

WorkSpaces Updates: https://youtu.be/aNZO7Yt_1kI