There’s serious money in peddling fantasies of female submission online, but it may be exacerbating male loneliness

  • @NounsAndWords
    56 months ago

    I think this is putting the cart before the horse. The men are already alone/lonely. The “tradwife” stuff is their excuse for why they can’t find a girlfriend. You don’t need to reevaluate your own self if the “real” problem is that feminism is stealing all of your women. And you don’t need to worry about the fear of rejection when you can’t find a woman to ask out in the first place because none of them are like that fantasy you saw online.

  • @mykl
    6 months ago

    Really interesting read, thanks for sharing.

    This was the standout quote for me:

    An entire industry of right-wing grifters, from Ben Shapiro to Jordan Peterson to Andrew Tate, are making a mint by exploiting young men who are desperate to hear that the problem isn’t that they’re sexist, it’s that women don’t like sexism.