Table of Contents
Chapter 17 l Chapter 18 l Chapter 19 l Chapter 20 l Chapter 21 l Chapter 22 l Chapter 23
Chapter 24 l Chapter 25 l Chapter 26 l Chapter 27 l Chapter 28 l Chapter 29 l Chapter 30 l Chapter 31
Chapter 32


I heard gunshots, followed by the crazed shouting of John Brown: “In the name of God, Glory Glory, HALLELUJAH!”

The mad man who had apparently dove into the fray of demons, his pistols glowing with holy fire, began to spin around wildly, firing in all directions!

Demond jumped to me and shouted, “Get Down!”

I gasped as he tackled me into the mud.

Rasper grabbed St. George and pulled him down along with him.

When the bullet-storm finished, I peeked my head up only to see a glowing barrel pointed at my face.

“I missed one little succubus, I see,” The man glowered at me, a rage in his eyes as he pulled the hammer back on his pistol.

Demond was quick to grab John Brown’s wrist, narrowing his eyes on Brown’s as they glowed yellow, “Do not shoot my wife, Saint.”

Brown looked up to Demond, and without a second of hesitation, holstered his pistol, “My sincerest apologies, Avatar of Ariel. I had assumed you had tackled the demoness in aggression, not to protect her from friendly fire.”

Demond glared, “And on that subject, please don’t perform another Death Blossom with friendlies so close.”

“Noted,” John Brown chuckled. Brown’s wild eyes fixed on me for a moment. I thought he was about to draw his pistol until I saw his vision flinch, “Well I’ll be damned twelve ways to Sunday… An Avatar Succubus. Now I’ve seen just ‘bout everythin’!” He said as he offered his hand to me.

I took his hand as he helped me up to my hooves, “Well… Thank you?”

John Brown gave me a polite nod before turning and pulling his pistols out, “Now, if I were to understand, there is far more good work to be done.”

Demond nodded, “Yeah. By the way, I’m Major Demond Winter, US Army.”

John Brown paused for a moment and smiled , “Well, Damn, Son! An officer? Praise His name and praise the United States of America!” John’s grin grew, “Ol’ Lee’s rollin’ in his grave, that’s for damn sure.”

“Lee?” Demond asked.

John Henry’s hammer made a loud clunk as he set it over his broad shoulders, “Well, Brown,” He chuckled in a low voice, “You’re a mighty nasty fella when you’re off the leash.”

“Says the man smackin’ everything with that beastly hammer,” Brown’s eyes narrowed for a moment upon the hulking dark skinned Henry before he burst out laughing, “Everything’s a nail to this man!”

Henry gave a heavy scoff, glancing out to the battlefield, “This is a bigger mess than I thought we’d have, to be honest.”

Brown turned to Demond, “Well, Major, what’s your attack plan?”

“We’ve been trying to hold the fort down. Right now, we need to repel the invading force. Focus on the officers,” Demond looked to Henry and Brown, “So, while you boys handle the grunts, I’ll see if I can’t take out their commanders.”

“Think we took one down already, Boss,” Henry said, motioning the pile of smoldering corpses that was once a mighty beast roaring before us as he hefted his hammer onto his shoulder.

“There’s no shortage of them,” Demond reminded.

“Good,” Brown said as he took two pistols in his hands, “Then, there’s not an ounce of God’s retribution that will go unused. Let’s cleanse these filthy monsters in a hail of holy wrath!”

Without much more explanation, I watched as John Brown ran directly to the front-lines, guns literally blazing as he continued his mad dash forward.

John Henry heaved a heavy sigh and started to slowly follow him, “Welp, break time is over, it seems. Time to get back to swingin’,” he remarked as he took the hammer off his shoulders, carrying it in both hands as he made his way after John Brown.

I got a sickening, sinking feeling in my gut just then. I clutched my staff tightly, glancing around in concern, “Where is Xei?” I asked. I wasn’t sure where she could be.

Demond turned back to me, “She’s going to be fine, come on Tash!”

I tried to give a nod, running forward, only for a bright white flash to blind me.

I staggered back, sinking down onto my hooves and steadying myself with my staff.

The scents all around me had changed and I felt my heart hammering in my chest.

I glanced up to see the white lights of the Guardian Temple, only they were grander, brighter than I could imagine.

Did I die? No! That couldn’t be!

“Thunderation!” I heard Brown shout, “What is this devilry?!”

“Think it’s the opposite there, boss,” I heard Henry say.

Demond’s hand reached out to me, “Tash, you okay?”

I looked up to him, my vision clearing from the sudden flash of light, “Monty?”

“Who dares rob me of my vengeance?!” A Slavic woman’s voice cried out.

I turned and saw our entire forces now held within the Guardian Temple’s foyer, though it was far larger than I had ever recalled.

I glanced upwards to see my Aunt Ragna soaring high into the air, and as I set my eye on her, she paused, locking her gaze upon me.

“No,” I whispered, clutching my staff, “No this isn’t how it should be…”

“But it is, little one… It’s Exactly as it should be!” A woman’s cold voice called out to me.

I turned to see a vision of Bella standing behind me, towering in front of St. Dinah’s statue. Coiling around her were mighty black serpents, hissing and spitting at me.

“It’s all going perfectly to plan…”

I woke in a cold sweat, the dream of the battle haunting me.

The nightmares kept waking me in the dead of the night, I couldn’t get a wink of decent sleep.

Demond woke next to me, sitting up and turning to me, “Tash? You okay?

“No,” I admitted, hugging him and laying my head on his shoulder.

He held me close as I listened to his strong heartbeat to settle my racing heart and mind.

“Is it the battle?” Demond asked me softly, his hand running through my hair.

I just nodded against him, pulling my legs up and clinging to him tightly, “So many horrible things… And we ran away!”

Demond sighed, a knock coming from the door. “Not now!” Demond shouted.

Xei’s voice was on the other side, “Yeah, now Demond! Sorry but this isn’t a time to sleep!”

Demond growled, “Wait here,” He consoled as he got out of bed. He wore nothing but his sweatpants as he moved to the door, opening it and glancing down at Xei, “Not everyone handles stress the same way, Xei.”

“My sister’s sentimental nature is what it is,” Xei whispered, as if I could not hear her. “That doesn’t mean you need to tie yourself down…” Xei trailed off for a moment.

“I’m up here, Xei,” Demond growled.

Xei cleared her throat, “Yes, and the view is-”

“Xei!” I shouted from our bed, rushing to my hooves and wrapping the sheets around myself as I moved towards the door, “Please stop flirting with my husband!”

I opened the door to see Xei standing there, still in the same clothing from the day before.

Xei cleared her throat, “I am not-”

“It sure sounds like you were!” I shouted at Xei.

Her constant flirting and coming on to Demond was something I thought would have gone past after her relationship with Elon. But now that enough time had passed, she seemed right back to her old ways.

“Listen, Timothy asked me to get you, that’s all!” Xei snapped, changing the subject, “They need someone to officiate a funeral.”

I paused, “Who’s funeral?”

Xei’s demeanor shifted from agitated to solemn, “Rachel’s.”


I had to approach Ragna, the closest thing I had to a mother, with a great deal of trepidation.

On one hand, I had plenty of reasons to be cross with her.

She initiated a withdrawal without speaking to any of us, outside of Vael. Even then, she seemed less asking for permission and more demanding that Vael go along with her plot.

Vael had no choice, of course. If Vael didn’t prepare the Guardian Temple properly, the armies of Heaven wouldn’t fit.

The time dilation gave us a few short days to work, that’s true. But still, it didn’t improve our spirits to be forcibly withdrawn from the field.

I decided to ask Vael where Ragna was.

In a strange way, I felt like Vael was the Guardian Temple’s AI. Her behavior was very stiff, rigid and direct. Everything she did and said was precise, and to the point.

That seemed to be the military training of Sofia within Vael. It was how Sofia acted whenever we were in the presence of superior officers.

I wondered if that could be changed, if I spoke to Vael more? I had known Vael for only hours, yet I felt a deeper connection to them.

Whether that was genuine or coping, I was unsure.

“Vael,” I called out. Somehow I knew they could hear me anywhere within the Guardian Temple.

“Veil? What the fuck is a veil-” Zepherina asked before Vael’s form appeared out of one of the walls, “Holy shit what the hell?!”

Vael’s eyes looked at me with golden and emerald iris’s, their porcelain body shimmering as they ignored Zepherina’s reaction, “Yes, Metatron Crestfall?”

I paused.

“You are displeased with this moniker?” Vael questioned.

“I just… I preferred if you-” I was cut off.

“Of course, I’m sorry,” Vael stated, their eyes turning up, almost as if smiling. Hard to tell, when one has only eyes and no face to speak of. “You prefer I call you Tim, yes?”

“Uh, No one calls him Tim but Sofia!” Zepherina shouted, “Timothy, who, or what, is this?”

I smiled, “Sorry, you weren’t introduced. Zepherina, this is Vael. The… Newest Sword of Samael.”

“I am actually considered God’s Wrath, but these titles meet,” Vael added, glancing at Zepherina, “So recall that is what I am, before admonishing me further, Zepherina.”

“Yes. So… There’s some of my Captain inside you after all?” I asked with a grin.

Vael paused now, “I wish to remind you, I hold memories of both the Sword of Samael Sofia Vazquez and the Venom of God Samael. While I retain their memories, and perhaps echoes of their personalities in vague manners, I am not either one. I am my own entity.”

I gave a nod, “I understand. But, you can call me Tim. You’re the only one who can.”

Vael bowed their head, their eyes closing, “I consider this an honor.”

“Vael,” I began, moving on to why I called them, “Where is Ragna?”

Vael lifted their head, their crowns rotating around it, all eyes opening, “Ragna sits in the Fountain, tending to the Sanctified Blade of the Guardians. Likely attuning herself.”

“The what?” Zepherina asked.

“St. Michael’s injuries were near fatal. His soul was in danger. As a last ditch effort, St. Michael allowed Asmodai to forge his spirit into a weapon to be used against Xyphiel, under the request that Ragna be the one to wield him, as atonement for her sins,” Vael informed.

Zepherina scoffed, “Yeah, my mom’s got a shitload more sin than just killing Xyphiel can make-up for.”

“Baby steps,” Vael joked.

I smiled, sensing a bit of Sofia’s humor leaking through, but I couldn’t help but feel my stomach sink, “So… St. Michael is gone?”

“Only in the sense that Avatar of Samael Sofia is gone,” Vael continued, “In essence, he is gone, but still part of the battlefield. Merely in an alternate manner.”

“Thank you, Vael,” I said, smiling, “When this is all over, I owe you dinner.”

Vael paused again, “I once again must remind-”

“So I can get to know you better, being the Metatron and you being the Sword of Samael,” I interrupted.

Vael’s eyes seemed to widen and I swear the pure porcelain cheeks of their faceless head grew pink, “I… Shall accept then, Tim. Thank you.” A few awkward moments passed before Vael vanished once more into the wall.

Zepherina turned to me, “…So, I’m out of the loop, but figured out the gist. Can I ask: Why is Sofia gone and what the fuck is that?”

I sighed, “Sofia’s halo, that Halo of the Sun? It was one of the seals needed to open the Gates of Heaven. But to crack it open, she had to sacrifice herself, as did Samael. The result was both of them forming Vael.”

Zepherina frowned, “Timothy, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. She told me, I knew,” I heaved a sigh, “In all honesty, this isn’t the same as losing her. Part of her is still there.”

“Timothy, I don’t want to remind you but…” Zepherina paused, “Nevermind. Come on, let’s find mom.”

I found Ragna sitting by the Fountain, moving the edge of a large glowing blade over a whetstone as she checked the edge occasionally. She paused to dip the blade into the fountain, which caused the blade to glow an icy blue.

“Hey Mom,” I announced as I approached.

Ragna’s violet eyes moved to me and her stern face cracked a smile as she saw me and Zepherina, “Timothy, Zepherina!” She got to her feet, the shimmering silvery armor glinting in the soft white light near the Fountain.

“That’s some… interesting armor,” I noted.

“It was supposed to go to Zeph but…” Ragna paused, “Well, I needed something to make up for my… loss of focus.”

“Still not at one hundred percent then?” Zepherina said flatly.

Ragna sighed, “I’m trying.”

“We don’t have time to try,” Zepherina snapped.

Ragna’s smile faded and her face grew stern, “I may have made the mistake of not coordinating my steps with you, but I think we can all agree I saved our asses back there.” Ragna defended, “Zepherina, I grasp you are cross with me. Your power is great but you cannot just rush into battle and hope that Glory will win the day,” she lifted the sword before her, “We managed to save St. Michael as best we could. We may have a chance, now! If I hadn’t done what I did, we’d not have time to regroup and strike back at Xyphiel.”

Zepherina’s face didn’t soften, “And I just wish you’d get it through your head that you don’t always have the only answer!” Zepherina marched up to Ragna, looking her dead in the eye, “You’re brilliant, we get it. But sometimes you need to hear from someone outside of your head before you go and do something that affects everyone around you!”

Ragna’s stern face turned up to a smirk, “I see you learned more than just fighting techniques from Forcas.”

Zepherina nodded.

Ragna’s smirk turned to a full smile, “Zepherina, Timothy,” she turned to me, “We need to come together then. Between the three of us, we can take down Xyphiel.”

“Not just us,” I reminded, “The Archangels and the Saints need to be included as well. Our numbers have grown considerably.”

“Then I’ll assume you’ll bring a meeting of the minds soon?” Ragna questioned as she approached me.

“Before that,” Zepherina said, placing a hand on Ragna’s chest plate to halt her, “We have to attend to another matter.”

“And that is?” Ragna asked.

“A funeral,” I announced.

Ragna turned to Zepherina, perplexed.

“Mother’s funeral,” Zepherina clarified.

Ragna’s brow furrowed.

“Where is Rachel’s body?” I questioned.

Ragna’s expression moved from worry to panic, “Her… Body? Oh…”

Zepherina’s lip lifted up into a sneer, “Mom… What did you do?”

Ragna set the sword on her belt and took a long and controlled breath, “It is perfectly safe, on Rage.”

“Good, we wanted to lay her to rest in The Guardian Temple,” I informed.

Ragna sighed, “Yes… That should be doable. Allow me to head to Rage and I’ll go fetch her.” A portal opened behind Ragna, but Zepherina grabbed her arm firmly.

“What are you hiding?” Zepherina asked, scowling.

Ragna smiled, eyes closed, doing her best to brush off the concern, “Just… It was in such grizzly shape I had to resolve to fix her and, well you know my incessant desire to fix everything. I just tried to see if there was some way to revive her and-” Ragna cut herself off, blinking, “…Oh shit, I’m incapable of lying anymore. That’s right…”

Now I fixed her with an accusatory glare, “Mom, what did you do?”

Ragna sighed, motioning to the portal, “Just… let’s just say I need to evict the current tenant.”


Being transported to a realm filled with Angels, Saints and Nephilim wasn’t what I’d call ‘Pleasant Company’ to say the least.

So, of course, the second I found myself there I hopped out and went to Rage.

Thank the Gods for portals.

Rage was in better spirits these days, thanks to Conny. I swear he enjoys his computational companions a bit too much.

I never thought a computer could be depressed until Serenity left. Robots? Sure. Douglas Adams confirmed that much.

Joking aside, having Conny around seemed to cheer Rage up considerably.

“Oy, Rage!” I shouted once I had gotten inside, “The bloody hell happened?”

“Mistress Ragna initiated the Protocol: Exodus. Where-in I teleported all friendly targets to the Guardian Temple via a drop device Ragna had placed there while she was within its confines. The task has caused considerable drain on my power banks, however. I am currently working with Conny to keep critical systems online,” Rage reported.

“Oh, great. Yer not unstable, are yah?” I asked, looking around. The lights were on, the air was breathable and the halls weren’t filled with water. So that was good.

“I am not,” Rage informed, “But we are on the swift path to restoration of critical systems. In the meantime, living spaces are restricted to known safe areas within the inner rings of my structure.”

“Grand,” I frowned, “The booze still ‘ere?”

“I am afraid all food and beverage generation processes are currently offline,” Rage informed.

“Well ain’t dat just a kick in the bollocks I needed,” I sighed, looking around, “The baby’s here or in The Temple?”

“If you are referring to Princess Lucilia, Conny is currently attending to her in the nursery,” Rage informed, “But, I can confirm the princess’s vitals and spirits are good.”

“Conny tell yah that?” I asked as I walked through the hallways.

“Princess Lucilia informed me of her status,” Rage corrected.

“The kid can’t talk, Rage. She’s an infant,” I reminded.

“Indeed, however the basic nanites infused into her organic tissue report her health and emotional state very clearly,” Rage informed.

I closed my eyes, pursing my lips, “Do me a big favor and try not to tell that to Ragna. She’ll have a bloody cow.”

“I do not think Ragna is capable of birthing nor devouring an entire steer,” Rage quipped.

“Yah bloody well know what I meant!” I snapped.

“I am attempting humor,” Rage informed, “I see I have failed.”

I groaned, “No you… Listen just… It’s fine. Where’s Conny and the bloody babe?”

“Follow the lighted pathway,” Rage announced.

As the floor illuminated I made my way through the halls, grumbling to myself about Conny, the baby and the stroke Ragna would have after discovering that Rachel put nanities in her bloody kid.

Conny was rocking Lucilia in a small nursery, giggling to her and cooing as the baby returned the favors.

“Well yah know you got a bit of an advantage with the kid, wearing Rachel’s face,” I interupted.

“Eek!” Conny gasped, “Oh uh… S-sorry. If I changed it too much, Ragna would be cross, right?”

I gave a nod, approaching the pair, looking down to Conny and Lucilia.

The infant seemed like a normal little baby, sans the little black wings she got from her Mom.

Oh, and the eyes. Her violet eyes were flickering with tiny lights as she giggled. As if her irises were filled with glitter.

“Can you ask those little buggers to hide better? You realize Ragna’s going to have a fit if she finds out,” I whispered.

“Uh… I don’t know,” Conny paused, “Maybe? I’ll ask her if she can mimic organic eyes better. But her nanites are very primitive. It’s strange, it’s almost like that was done on purpose.”

“Rachel, you’re a piece of work,” I sighed.

“I’m not-” Conny tried to correct.

“I know yah not, yah blinky-bot!” I snapped. I was getting annoyed with being surrounded by AI.

Conny flinched and Lucillia started to cry.

“Bloody hell…” I sighed, grabbing a seat on the other side of the room.

Conny slowly managed to get the baby’s crying under control.

Once she did, I glanced at her, “Sorry. It’s been a rough day.”

Conny nodded, “Rage had to exhaust all his power to transport a large number of people to a set teleportation point. He was not pleased with the request.”

“Fuck, so even Rage is burned out,” I grumbled, “This ain’t lookin’ well,” I sighed, “Where’s Fatima?”

“Fatima was in the simulation room with Tufan but they had to seek shelter as the simulations cannot run due to Rage diverting all non-critical functions to the teleportation arrays,” Conny reported.

Rage’s voice then announced something, “Warning: Mistress Ragna is enroute to your location. Unit Conny, please power down your systems and prepare for full data transfer.”

“What, data transfer?!” Conny gasped.

“In Kings, please?” I asked.

“I-I have to move all my functions out of this vessel,” Conny frowned, “But, I like this vessel!”

“Casual reminder that it’s not actually yours, lass,” I added.

Conny got up and placed Lucilia down into her cradle, “Oh uhm… Okay so… I guess I’ll just…”

With that Conny collapsed on the floor. I got to my feet, looking up, “Rage, is that normal?”

“Yes,” Rage declared, “Do not be alarmed. Conny is being transferred to a blank vessel for the time being until a more suitable vessel can be found.”

I walked over to Conny’s body, or rather, Rachel’s body, and sighed, “Well, that’s undignified.” I started to move her around a bit.

She had gone full rag doll. Limbs loose and splayed as she had crumbled to the floor. Like a marionette who’s puppeteer had cut her strings. The only thing moving was her chest as the body breathed in and out.

I was picking up her ankles, moving her legs around when the door opened. I looked up, spotting Ragna, Timothy and my Mistress Zepherina, all staring at me in confusion.

I froze.

“…Ain’t none of yah thinkin’ I’d be donin’ what it looks like, right?” I asked.

Zepherina swallowed hard, “Rasper… Drop my mother’s legs. Now.”

I did so, standing up straight, “Yes, Mistress.”

Zepherina then turned to Ragna, “Explain.”

“I tried to restore your mother,” Ragna said softly, approaching the body, “I used nanites in an attempt to bring her back. To rebuild her. It didn’t work…” Ragna said as she trailed off, her hand caressing Rachel’s cheek.

Zepherina approached, looking Rachel’s body over, “She looks way better than she did when I found her,” she spoke in a somber tone.

Ragna turned to me, “Is Conny out?”

I shrugged, “Gotta ask Rage.”

“Conny has been evicted,” Rage confirmed.

Lucilia cried out in the cradle nearby.

Zepherina moved to it quickly, “Hey, it’s okay lil’ sis,” Zepherina smiled, reaching in and picking her up, “It’s okay.” Zepherina paused, her eyes locking on Lucilia’s

“Shit. Shit, shit, shit!” I thought to myself as I stood firm and at attention.

Zepherina’s eyes met mine with a knowing glance.

I couldn’t lie or hide anything from her and I knew exactly what she saw. I just heaved a sigh and nodded.

Zepherina turned to Ragna and continued to rock Lucilia, her smile slowly returning, “I think it’s all making sense now…” Zepherina kissed Lucillia’s forehead softly, “Someday, when you’re older, you’re going to be a queen.”

Lucillia giggled.

“That’s your title, Zepherina,” Ragna whispered, sniffling, “Rage… Please prepare to have the nanites in Rachel’s body extracted and transferred to Conny’s new body.”

“Understood,” Rage confirmed.

Rachel’s body glowed for a moment and then seemed to relax completely. It gave out a single exhale and ceased moving entirely.

Ragna had tears leaking from her eyes and I watched her feathers start to bleach white once more.

“Mom,” Zepherina said as she knelt by Ragna.

Ragna turned to Zepherina, her eyes moving to Lucilia.

“You still have us,” Zepherina smiled warmly, “And… Lucilia has mother’s eyes.”

Ragna glanced at Lucilia, sniffled for a moment and embraced Zepherina, holding both her children in a warm embrace, crying softly into Zepherina’s shoulder.

I glanced at Timothy, who was staring rather numbly at Rachel’s still form.

“Aye, Timothy,” I called out.

Timothy turned to face me, solemn.

I got to my feet, walked over to him and gave him a firm hug, “No point in puttin’ on a front, boy. Come on. Let it out.”

Timothy remained stiff for a moment before he hugged back, his head falling against my shoulder.

All this time, he was still a boy to me. Watching him grow up on Rage, showing him fire tricks and sleight of hand magic for fun.

Timothy wasn’t a little boy now, far from it. But the loss of a mother, even an absent one, doesn’t weigh lightly on a man’s heart.

After a few moments, Timothy composed himself enough, lifting his head, “Thank you, Rasper.”

“Anytime, Timothy,” I patted his shoulders, turning to Rachel, “I assume the lot of yah are ‘ere tah bury her?” I asked.

Timothy nodded.

“I assume you are going to have Tasha do the rites?” I asked.

“Oh, good idea,” Timothy said, drying his eyes, now set on a task, “I’ll see if I can find her, I’m sure she’ll do it.”

I nodded as Timothy left. It might catch up to him later, but it always helps to keep someone busy instead of mournful. Even if it’s a grim task.


I closed my Bible. My final ‘Amen’ had been given.

I looked out to see Ragna sitting next to Zepherina and Timothy. Zepherina held little Lucillia in her arms.

Opposite the aisle of Ragna sat Demond, Rasper, Alexa and Zithero.

Xei was waiting by the entrance of the oversized chapel.

I pursed my lips, the services concluded, “And now if the pallbearers could approach, please?”

Demond rose, as did Zepherina, Ragna, Timothy, Rasper and Zithero.

Alexis remained seated as they approached.

Ragna walked to the casket, one hand on the cover, the other she placed on the side. Ragna steeled herself, leaned over the casket and whispered, “Good night, my Amaranth.”

Ragna then closed the lid and grabbed firmly onto the front handle of the casket, waiting for the others to do the same.

Timothy moved to the back end, behind Ragna, as Demond stood in front of him, holding the center on the left-hand side.

Zepherina moved to the front left, where Zithero held the middle, with Rasper at the left-rear, opposite Timothy.

I started walking out of the chapel, heading out of the tall doors.

Xei flanked me as I moved forward, “I got it.”

I frowned to her, “I didn’t need-”

As the doors opened, my eye went wide in shock.

Standing alongside the entrance of the chapel doors were a number of Penthesilean soldiers.

When the doors opened, Madison Hill stood waiting, a flag over her arm. She approached Ragna and gave a salute.

Ragna gave Madison a nod as she moved to the casket and draped a large Penthesilean flag over the top.

When finished, Madison walked before us and gave another salute.

Ragna returned the salute with her free hand.

With that, Madison turned and walked a few steps out of the chapel, shouting, “Present, Arms!”

The soldiers drew their blades and held them aloft for us to pass under.

I moved forward slowly, slightly nervous to be walking under so many swords and spears.

The soldiers had lined up, creating a massive corridor for us to follow.

To my surprise, there were more than enough soldiers to guide us from the entrance of the chapel all the way to the crypts.

There, the corridor finally ended at the massive doors and burning blue flames flanking either side of the door, held by ornate sconces.

We walked in, the entire walk was silent, but this leg of the journey was even moreso.

I stopped at the place we had prepared. A sarcophagus next to Saint Dinah’s memorial.

It was a heavy stone construction. Etched along its sides were murals of Rachel’s life. From her battles to her rule, to her final confrontation with Evangeline.

Over the opening were a pair of thick canvas rolls of cloth, which would lower the casket down into the sarcophagus when we were ready.

Though Saint Dinah’s actual body lay in Penthesil, here was the true place that the former Metatron should have been resting eternal.

When this war is over, I should make efforts to move her body.

I turned to Rachel’s pallbearers and they moved the casket slowly over the sarcophagus, placing it over the opening gently.

It balanced elegantly on the twin bands of canvas held taut over the lidless stone cavity.

The pallbearers stepped away and stood before the casket silently. I turned to see Alexis arrive next to Zepherina, holding little Lucillia.

I held my bible firmly to my chest as I looked out, placing my hand on Rachel’s casket.

“May God give to you and all whom you love His comfort and His peace, His light and His

joy, in this world and the next; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and

the Holy Spirit, be upon you, and remain with you this day and forever,” I spoke softly, turning to the group before me.

Only Timothy and Zepherina answered the prayer, “Amen.”

Ragna appeared confused and I sighed, lowering Rachel’s casket down. I spoke a final blessing, “The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord lift up His countenance to you and give you His peace; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always,” which was followed by a far more unanimous ‘Amen’ from all behind me.

I stepped away, turning to Zepherina and Ragna, “It is now we honor the former Queen, Rachel Hippolyte, with a final act. To protect and guard her earthly vessel and to show her spirit the honor it deserves, I ask her loving wife Empress Ragna Misho and her Daughter, Zepherina ‘Hera’ Hippolyte, to lay the lid upon her final resting place.”

Zepherina cracked a smile, “Because you can’t lift it yourself?”

Ragna cracked a smile, as did I.

The two moved to the right of the casket and lifted the several hundred kilogram lid up and over Rachel’s tomb effortlessly.

The lid secured, a soft blue light appeared over it, flickering like a flame.

I watched as a shadow moved over the sarcophagus and passed Demond.

Demond stumbled for a moment, looking confused before he glanced at the ceiling.

I looked up to see a pair of honey colored eyes looking warmly down to us, smiling.

I smiled back, my heart swelling as the dreary room appeared to grow slightly warmer and more welcoming.

“The dead thank you,” I could hear Elon’s voice softly.

“And the living remember you,” I whispered softly, “Always.”

  • @ZitheroOPM
    110 months ago

    u/Heaven-sent-me and I proudly present: Chapter 33 of Book 3! Laid To Rest!

    This chapter is dedicated to u/KataraRThompson ! Thank you for all of your help!

    Tasha recalls her last few moments of the battle, and confronts Xei’s seemingly return to normalcy. Meanwhile Timothy and Zephrina track down Ragna, seeking out where Rachel’s body is… But Ragna has some mixed news on that front! Rasper, meanwhile, knows exactly where the body lies… Just like our Patreon Saints! Thank you for your support! We love all of you! Thanks to all of our amazing Supporters!

    • Ariel Calhoun
    • Ari
    • Craig Sanders
    • David Eilbert
    • Dylan Beck
    • Jason Santa Ana-White
    • Jessica Audrey Adamson
    • Lindsey Macintire
    • Obi-mom_kenobi aka La Zette
    • The Terminator
    • Zach Sebo