Sit the fuck back down, Death, you had fuckall to do with this one. Father Time whacked his ass, so Father Time gets the credit. You get to go back to pondering what the fuck you’ll be doing during the heat death of the universe.
What the hell has death ever done to you
Took too fucking long with kissinger
Yea… but Gaddafi
Bro was at the bottom of the pile. Those games are hard and expensive.
Yeah, real good fucking timing, death. You arrived without a minute to spare.
Bro was at the bottom of the pile
You Yanks should go and crash his funeral.
I’m sure he’ll have an honor guard of war criminals. Nixon’s corpse will do the eulogy. Pol Pot’s ghost will be doing catering.
Gotta see if we can get the funeral live on Corn Cob TV!