A group of protesters that demonstrated at a rally in support of Palestinians over the weekend in Toronto say a man who was protesting was injured during his arrest — which included an officer kneeling on his neck, something Toronto’s former police chief said officers are not trained to do.

    • @girlfreddy@lemmy.ca
      131 year ago

      There’s actually 2 videos. One isn’t as clear, but the second one is.

      Gd idjits think they can still lie and everyone will believe them.

      • @cheese_greater
        1 year ago

        This is “getting” disturbing: between Trump’s lawyers bullshitting that he never took an Oath to defend and uphold the motherfucking Constitution (which is probably recorded from like a billion different angles and widely disseminated) and this kind of bald-faced lie, troubled times for decency, common sense, and ultimately, justice

      • TipRing
        121 year ago

        “Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” - Toronto police chief